Hey frens. I’ve been frenless since I was born and I’ve been all alone since my family left me. Will you guys help a lonely 39 year old fren out?

31  2019-05-29 by subhuman1980


Some boomers are frens, some boomers are non frens. Do you like nosefrens?

What does that mean fren? I’d accept anyone to be my fren

You have a fren here friend

Thanks fren

ok then! welcome fren


hashtag frenship

I'm GEN X but am still called a boomer by non frens.

Hi fren, I'll be your fren!

Thanks fren

Hey fren! I know times can be hard and I really hope you'll feel better! Are you into any hobbies or activities? Those are good ways to meet other frens! You can even do stuff online and meet frens that way :) It's good to socialize because "As iron sharpens iron, so does one fren sharpen another"! Plus you have all of us as frens here :)

Hi Fren! Remeber that you are a valuable member of frenworld! You have a family, frens are family! Make yourself a cup of cocoa and get cozy! Don't let the nonfrens get you down, that's how they behave, it's sad, but what are you going to do? If they aren't hanging around you, it's because they can sense you're a friend, and they prefer their own kind. Nonfrens are deeply prejudiced.

Love you fren! Hope you’re ok.

Frens are always there when a fren is down on their luck

I don’t think so, goy. Your post history raises red flags

perhaps he is a new fren
