My grandma and grandpa flew away yesterday and won't come back for atleast 3 months. Feeling pretty lonely frens... They and my mom are the most important people in my life.

171  2019-05-28 by bigmactv


Don't worry fren, once they're back it will feel like they never even left.

I hope so fren... I hope so.

It’ll all be okay fren, they will be back before ya know it

hey fren, they are only a phonecall away!

Yeah, but calling them is kinda expensive, which is why i only called them once today. They're going to get wifi so we can talk through whatsapp

They're always wit u fren, even if they aren't there in person! They love you and miss you too, don't worry! We're here fur you in da meanwhile, fren.

Fren this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me online. Luv u (nohomo)❤❤

Im so glad fren! I hope I helped you feel a little better :) And luv u 2, 0 homo ❤❤

It'll be alright fren, you have plenty of frens to talk to if you get lonely :)

That's true fren.

Yeah, but calling them is kinda expensive, which is why i only called them once today. They're going to get wifi so we can talk through whatsapp