Sorry ferns, I have posted a lot on political humor and said a lot of hurtful things to fellow ferns. So I just wanted to say sorry ferns.

21  2019-05-28 by JaCeMt


Plants don’t have feelings, person. You don’t need to apologize to a plant

It's private for me fren, did I gets the block

You red pilled some folks today

I suspect you are a nonfren!

If you’ve come to join the frens, you’re welcome. If you’ve come to sow discord among ferns, you’re a nonfren till death!!

Edit: your post history has tons and tons of leftist propaganda and conservative frenbashing. You’re a nonfren through and through >:(

Yo, chill. Frens can be left or right handed.

That’s true. But this nonfren has been frenbashing :(


nobodys perfect

Nonfrens are mean tho :(

It's alright fren, at the end of the day we all should be frens anyway.


Look at this top fren taking a fren pill. Good on ya. We must recognize our mistakes and make amends.

Isn't this basically your first post here?

Yo, chill. Frens can be left or right handed.