Frens help, hate is consuming me...I'm losing it....ples....HALP....

6  2019-05-28 by Cam2478


Dont let hate win fren. You cant be frenly if you're full of hate, and if you arent frenly you cant be a fren. And that makes you a nonfren. Dont be a nonfren. Be a fren.

I'm becoming a nonfren :( hate is consuming frens are putting me behind them. I need halp from frens...but, I don't take rejection well anymore, I'm tired of it, and it's time I stand up for myself and real frens!

I’ve been there too fren, hate is never a good advisor. Its good to write down your feelings on a paper or to share with a fren

bye fren

You're a nonfren..

Keep your chin up. The world isn't a hateful place even if there are hateful people in it, don't let those unhappy few drag you down to their miserable level! You have the power to make yourself happy, you just need to find the right way to channel it fren.

Hate is natural. We hate things that we'd like to see change. One might hate fat people because being fat is provably unhealthy and generally seen as unsightly. Or one might hate the rich because they seem to get away with everything and buy whatever their heart desires, even politicians or entire nations.

It's okay to hate, hate is an inevitable part of experience. Everybody (no exceptions) has something and someone that they absolutely hate. But brooding in hatred is not okay. Acting out on that hatred is even worse. When you truly hate something, you're best served by using that hate energy for positive change and (actually) helping others. Or, helping yourself grow stronger, smarter and happier.

It's easy to cuss out at and brood within something you despise, but it is much more fulfilling to find practical, ethical solutions to the source of the hatred.

Don't feel hate fren. Feel love for all your frens! We are on your side and support you.

struggle is natural fren. without love there is not hate

Hate is a good motivator as long as you dont become blinded by it. Use it to gift some heavy weights or something.


think of all your frens 🐸