
494  2019-05-27 by sigmar_ernir


Congratulations! And you've got my favorite brand of sips!

I'm on the key toe diet, so eat some extra sips and tendies for me fren!

Congrats fren, how did you do it I can only wish for that much

I posted a picture of my frens!

You're frens is a non-frens?

No! I bop nofrens

You're a trooper frens

Very nice fren!

can i have one sips fren

Ofcourse fren! I have sips for everyone!

May I have sips fren?

Ofcourse fren, I have sips for everyone

Thank u fren

mmm sippss

Can I have some,fren?

I have a bunch of it, ofcourse fren!

Thank you frens
