In this world I am the biggest nonfrend to myself... It's only a matter of time till I bop myself...

81  2019-05-27 by Windowsmeandme


Stop doing so much drugs fren, you'll feel better

I haven't done lsd in 2 weeks and I'm quitting durries. I feel that being sane makes things worse for me though.

It will feel much worse at first, but you can do it fren. You'll feel much better in the long term.

Thanks fren

You just need to make and achieve some goals fren. Start with some little ones, leading up to a more mid tier goal of getting clean, then keep working from there. Just keep chippin away at it fren, you can do it.

No LSD in two weeks, you'll get psychotic if you keep that up!

If you don't feel good, #1 thing to look at is diet.

Primatefrens in the wild get 10x Vitamin K, substantially more calcium and other nutrients in the wild---they also have better gut bacteria for syntesizing vitamin K, B vitamins because they're never eating antibiotics, most frens in developed countries have had a couple of courses of antibiotics before they turn 12.

Quit drugs if you like, but also think about your diet: plenty of people use drugs frequently and are not depressed.

thanks fren for the valuable info, i haven't thought about diet! I think most of my problems are trauma based.

Also I'm more scaredcabout doing lucy in my depressed state im not trying to have a bad time and end up hurting someone else. Oh an durries is kiwi/aussie slang for cigs.

Oh, ya, smoking cigs is a bad idea.

Do you eat one dark green and one orange vegetable a day?

What do you mean by trauma, were you in a war, car accident, etc?

I eat about 3 mandirins a day and i would say that I'd eat a green veggie a day.

I had and still have a psychopathic abusive mother that I took to court around a year ago and I've blocked her and done everything I can to cut her off but she finds ways around it eg sending letters, getting my brother to give me things when I see him.. she keeps trying to get me to come back to her which no way in hell I am and recently she's been giving me photos to try get me to miss my home town so I stay with her.

OK, by orange I mean carrots, sweet potato, etc. because they contain beta carotene which can be converted to vitamin A in your body. Mandarins dont count.

I think you could get a restraining/no contact order/peace bond against your mother, though it might cost some money. And if you get a letter from her, just burn it or rip it up, don't read it.

And green is dark green, not celery, something like kale, parsley, spinach.

Try 50g parsley and 100g sweet potato/carrot a day, see if that helps.

Oh okay, should I start taking vitamin supplements as well?

Also yeah I really probably should do something like that.

I would say that taking a multivitamin cannot hurt, but it is no substitute for a healthy diet.

Also, do you eat eggs? Depending on your gut flora, you produce more or less biotin---the 1968 DV was 300ug, which is pretty much impossible to get without supplements, but today it is only 30ug.

The basic standard diet from the 1943 recommendations* were this:

1 egg

1 serving meat

500 mL milk

2 vegetables (one orange, one dark green)

2 fruits

*they recommended 2 vegetables a day, one of which was orange or dark green, but I don't think that is sufficient. In practice, eat carrots/sweet potatoes and parsley or spinach every day---you just need to eat a ton less parsley than spinach to get the same amount of vitamin K.

The remainder as whole grains.

I don't actually eat that much eggs because I do not have the time to cook eggs in the morning, only on the weekends. I'd say I get everything else on the list except the orange vegetables.

Get a steaming basket, dead serious. You’ll only need a little bit of water in the pan to boil the eggs, beats waiting 15-20 minutes for the whole pot of water to start to boil. You’ll have perfectly cooked eggs in like 10 minutes.

Oh, well, that could be it then, if you don't get the orange vegetables or the egg, you will be deficient in the nutrients that those things provide, you either need to eat orange vegetables (or substantial amounts of dark green veg like spinach) or liver on a frequent basis.

Well I'll do that then, Thanks!

Slowly cut down it'll hurt, but it'll be worth it.. fren

Fuck off cunt. We don’t encourage people to die here.

Yeah that wasn't what I was doing , meant to be replying to a comment above me talking about his drug use

Oh! I apologize fren. Lemme delete my comment.

No problem fren

You’re the best fren. I’m sorry I doubted you ;-;

Don’t bop yourself fren. I know the feeling, but just think of all the frens who will miss you!

don't be like this fren, there is still frens around here to support you

I am a big nonfrend to myself too, fren. I mess things up a lot and a lot of the time want to bop myself. You shouldn't bop yourself, fren. Even if the world is bad, it will get better eventually. As long as you push forward, fren, things will eventually get better. It's almost impossible for it to not get better, fren. Just remember that there are frens who will be sad if you bop yourself, like all of r/frenworld fren. Push forward, fren, it'll get better if you push forward

Don’t bop frens, fren

That includes your frenly self

Pat a doggo fren fren. Doggo is good fren and will make fren feel better.

Don't do it fren, we love you! Rise up against the non-fren depression.

PM me fren. I don’t want you to be bopped