Frens, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your tendies

519  2019-05-27 by FoxDieEeE


Fren, I don't think that I want the tendies after you've processed them, but here, have some tendies:

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You gonna do a presentation fren?

Et tu, Apu?

Et tu, Aputus?

The nonfrens have infiltrated the city, fren. Might want to take care of them before we worry about tendies. Otherwise there will soon be no tendies left to give.

How do you mean?

Lots of frens getting bopped (by mods, not admins, myself included), frenly posts being removed constantly, while big ghey posts get left up or even stickied.

If you were a Frenworld mod, what would you do differently?

Bop nonfrens with extreme prejudice. Give frens warnings or 24 hr bans rather than 30 day or 900 day or even permanent bans. Dont ban people for sending unsolicited mod mails.

And what about the direction of the sub itself?

I liked the direction we were going before we started being brigaded. Maybe with a hint more subtle tea.

Also I really think your "one eternity later" post didn't get near enough love. I really liked it.

Thanks, posts with lots of frames and words run that risk sometimes. It did feel like eternity tho

Well I'm glad you're back. Thanks for the input.

I've modded before if you ever need help ;)

They really are weeding real frens out. Thanks for all your posts.

Rome should let Goth refugees settle in the empire. It's the Christian thing to do and the Goths will do the jobs Roman citizens don't want to.

What's the worst that can happen?

Never trust Germans fren

How's their tendies recipe? Do they charge less money for their street tendies?

This spicy ethnic food is so delicious I don't even mind the rape gangs!

Ubi tendies, ibi patria.


I come not to honor a fren, but to bury him.

Frenworld invicta!

Nifty lorica segmentata, fren



Land of vape and hunny mussy awaits all frens.

Arcadifren. What is your profession?

"I came, I saw, I boppered."

I come to bury nonfrens, not to praise them.




E tu, fren?

Nonfrens delenda est

Cingulum goes over lorica fren

Stand stromg frenturian!

Thanks, posts with lots of frames and words run that risk sometimes. It did feel like eternity tho