I thought this was a frenly subreddit

0  2019-05-27 by Sc0rch3d_P0tat03s

It's like finding out S.H.I.E.L.D was taken over by HYDRA. I'm boutta get bopped for speaking the truth.


Go bop urself defrenerate

Look. Look at yourself. You were the nonfren all along.

Thank you, WhenISayNYouSayIgger.

If you can't handle frens with diverse opinions without everyone you don't like being censored like on most other subreddits it doesn't seem like you're that great of a fren.

But what if the diverse opinions are negative outlooks on other frens? That's a fren paradox.

Most of reddit seems to operate on the basis that some special groups owe a positive outlook from everyone and that the moderators should keep everyone adhering to this outlook. I think it's fine to have a negative outlook of someone else, even a fren as long as you're civil about it.


but it is frenly

Yes fren, I believe most people here are frenly, but this subreddit was originally made to be a bad place. The mods are secretly nonfrens.

Stop with the bullshit virtue signaling. Be the frenliness you want to see. We don't exclude anybody from being frens here.

Ok, bye