Frens, why are people on this sub trying to get me to support sodomy and enable the mentally ill?

58  2019-05-27 by catsupmcshupfak


Frenworld went big soft since last time I was here.

too many immigrants, got the big gay

They have to go back

shove them back in the closet

Fren, a lot of frens don't know that affect/desire is the root of everything, so they think that unlawful sexual desire is just harmless fun, not something that completely degenerates the use of language. The meaning of words is how we communicate our desires, so someone with unlawful desires is going to have unlawful speech patterns that he uses to justify those desires.

And sodomy is not the legal term, the legal term is buggery. They are not homoexuals, they are buggerers.

unlawful sexual desire

Government non-frens have no right to regulate pps.

Everything is subject to law. The right line will be re-established, and the unriftful shall be rooted out.

A little gem in the United Frens constitution will stop that, but good luck, come rift me out.

Frens are incapable of making laws, constitutions, etc. All they can do is use the law that nature made for us.

Good new frens need to assimilate into frenworld! Not show up out of nowhere and say frenworld should change our customs for them :( It's okay let's stay frenly ;)

Why won't they accept our culture?

Because they think their culture is better... even though it doesn't make sense and has made their places unfrenly!

Did you know white genocide is inevitable and no amount of frog memes will prevent it? :D

They killed Christians for hundreds of years and fed them to lions and burned them alive and used them as fuel for torches (for around 300 years!). And now, could you tell me, what year were you born? Why do you count your years from there? Why do we use a 7 day week? (The Roman empire used to have an 8 day week!) Why is the whole world's weekend on Saturday and Sunday? (Only a few middle eastern uses Thursday and Friday).

No one knows the future nonfren! I believe frenliness will prevail, I live my life with hope! Now enjoy your BOP :)

sodomy is wrong fren.

Maybe we can bring a peace offering! Give them some shirts they should dye.

Bc modfrens dont seem to want to stop it. But they bop plenty of frens. Gives me them big sad feels.

There are people who claim to be frens when it benefits them, but will shed their fren disguise and when it benefits them too.

Because even frens-lite are subverted low cognition people. Some of them may come over but, honestly, most of them are not capable to question themselves. However, what they can do, as do most other people, is to follow. They are very good at following, they have a lifetime of experience of it, and what frens need to do is to be capable leaders. Be the inspiration, build a family, create life, a life, and make sure that you are in a great position when forced to face non-frens. The frens-lite will follow, but they can't walk alone.

lgbt frens are frens as well.

Frens are incapable of making laws, constitutions, etc. All they can do is use the law that nature made for us.