T-there's no such things as ghosts, right fren?

4081  2019-05-27 by Determined_pie


Boo! I'm a spoopy fren



Oh heck it’s thunder storming across the Midwest rn frens

No cursin fren!!!


2 spoopy!


Good gif fren I wish I had this talent

I wish I could make this stuff I just took it from 4chan, but dont tell anyone fren

its ok fren your secret is safe with us

2 questions:

  1. How did you find the hacker known as 4chan?

  2. How did you take it from him?

He has a elite hacker group of frens to hack him but we wouldn't call the police cuz we aren't non-frens

Only frenly ghosts like Casper.

don't fret fren, it's just nonfren telltale to scare us into submission!

b-b-but non-frens are just my imagination, r-r-r-right?

Look out fren, Slimer is behind you!

they’re your real frens, fren

Who u gonna call, fren?



Ugh fren don't look behind.

Spooks are real fren! And scary!

Such talent fren

Should've put a honkler instead, would be scarier

It was me fren

A g g g ghost?!

Of course not fren! Only non fren illusions! Nothing to be afraid of!

Love the ones that aren't thinly veiled bullshit.

That’s not very frenly of you to say

Me too. Too many of those though. I'm done trying with this sub.

Lol might wanna look harder fren

youre gonna have to diagram it for me cus Im not seeing it, unless the candle is like a mengele thing

I think it's the double lightning bolt. SS logo. One of their obscurest dog whistles yet.

The topeth minds figured it out


"Spooks" mean black people. That's not even thinly veiled it's just a slur.

You trying to make something from nothing fren....

Wake up.

Literally not once was the word spooks in the title

According to who fren

Think of it as a game. That's why I come here.

i purposely go into subs that say things i don't like in order to get upset over it

you don't?


dead frens are frens too

as long as they are frenly dead frens

It’s ghost boppin time

Don't be afraid of dead my fren. You should be afraid of those, who are alive.

Only Tinder dates will ghost you fren

Y u make me sad fren

Now we can be sad together, fren.


G-gg-Ghosts ??!

Only Casper the frenly ghost fren

Slimer is frenly, have you not seen Ghostbusters?

Don't worry, ghost is also fren

Don’t worry fren, its a frenly ghost. it’s just a good thing that there are no nonfren gho- Oh no




No such things as ghosts just more frens

Don't worry fren we're right here

fren don't turn around

Spooks dont scare me fren

It’s okay, fren! Maybe the ghosts are frenly!

honk honk BOOP BOOP honk honk BOOP BOOP

"When there's something strange Goin on with your fren. Who you gonna call? GHOST BOPPERS! If there's somethin bad And you're scared like you're ten. Who you gonna call? GHOST BOPPERS!"


Oh heck it’s thunder storming across the Midwest rn frens