
1083  2019-05-27 by ScuffedRomanReigns


The artstyle reminds me of a freen who likes to post his drawings on the internet.

Frens don’t throw rocks, fren.

We must protect each other fren, even if it means throwing rocks at non-frens.

Kill them with kindness fren.


My favourite is hypothetical self defence situations, only if provoked.

I love tossing stones at the lake with my frens

That frenface is "later virgins" material. I love it fren.

That'll learn xir, fren



This reminds me of something. I was hit by a stone yesterday, someone threw it, that's why i cant remember.


Lmao that last frame


Epic style 😎


Lol your repost got double the response as my oc

Trigger the libs own the libs /s,be kind to each other frens.


Rockthrow makes the nonfrens livid


Panel 1:

Nonfren Player Character: "fren is bad"

fren: "no it isn't"

Panel 2:

close zoom on fren's face

Note: i am not a bot, i am a fren volunteer helping blind frens read image posts

That will get em frens
