They tried to bop me, but I am unboppable

215  2019-05-27 by HKoftheForrest



I bet you see very well.

maybe he not see

My frens monocle make me see very gud fren.

I now know what needs to be done about the nonfrens.

Yeah but everything is sorta pink since i put on my frens monocle.

Fren, I'm going to need you to take the Voight-Kampff test.
I hope you understand.

the bopinator

You'll be back fren.

They do not know who they are messing with, fren.

Fren science is the greatest in the world.

I’ll be back

Oké fren, I need to go use the bathroom too.

Uh, fren, mind crawling under this hydraulic press hug machine a moment.. I just rewatched terminator and I ain't going out like that.

The freninator

I'll hug back

Cool eye fren!