I made a second one

178  2019-05-27 by BorisHisJohnson


I can even do three look

fren stop!

Why? Here is four

I dare you to do eight

You've flown too close to the sun

Carful Icarus.

Isn't it Icarus II?

You wouldn’t fren

Do nein!!


What is the hashtag suppose to mean

Its loss

Is it really? What’s going on big fren?

It's another 4 chan thing I think. Trying to make the media think the # is a white power symbol. Like the ok white power thing. Fashtag I think they call it

I like that! Thanks for clarifying, fren.

What does anything mean?

/pol/ is trying to make it a hate symbol so that twitter can’t use it. It’s retarded, I know but there’s actual news articles about it now.

Excuse me sir, it’s nor retarded, it’s autistic, and it seems to be working to an extent, just like every other time.

y so many hashtag joeks. i donut get it

It’s no joke, silly! It’s a symbol of frenship ❤️

Now you can play tic tac toe on them, fren

I heard if you cut them in half you get two H's that mean Honk Honk, but that might just be a 4clan thing


Isn't it Icarus II?

It’s no joke, silly! It’s a symbol of frenship ❤️

I like that! Thanks for clarifying, fren.