i cant wait for my nuggies to be done

111  2019-05-26 by Hank43


how many nuggies fit in your oven?

Agreed fren, I burnt millions of nuggets in my wooden doored oven before I switched to a metal one. Metal ovens are simply better.

Agreed. Metal ovens do work as expected and can burn millions of tendies.

Fren i dont think it could burn millions of tendies

Maybe is physically impossible fren

Superior nuggies! Bless your soul, fren, and be sure to bop those non-frens.

Only 13 nuggies account for 52% of your suggested daily calories.

Just go to gym to convert the nuggies into muscle.

Good idea, fren. Don't want to get fat.

precious goldnuggies fren, they look like goldstone

use gas oven so goldstone gets better
