Top nonfrens always talk about how bad not sees are but sometimes not sees can be frenly and make music! Just because he not see doesn’t mean he not feel. He even made a song called frenship! They need to be more frenly to people i think.

45  2019-05-26 by Anon14526


Shut the fuck up

That wasn’t frenly :(

YIKES sweetie I went through all 400 pages of your post history and I found you're a regular poster on /r/teenagers which means you're a huge faggot.


I hope you get better soon fren. You'll look back on this years later and realise it wasn't OP who needed to shut up.

Why do they hate us so?

It's ok fren. We were all cringey and angsty at one point. But most of us later learn to get along with each other because hate is not good to hold on too.

Ah yes, i too remember my less than frenly years. But then then one day i allowed my mind to ascend beyond all that hate and became a true fren

I look down on who I used to be too fren. Now I look down on those that project hate but always try to fight their flames with words of peace. We all have one life; why waste it being unfrenly?

That was really deep fren. Something to think about. Words to fren by

I look down on who I used to be too fren. Now I look down on those that project hate but always try to fight their flames with words of peace. We all have one life; why waste it being unfrenly?