You are all invited to my dance party, frens! Only rule is no bullying or pretending to be a bully

2395  2019-05-26 by HomoBrutalis


We should invite Israelis. I heard they are good at dancing.


Thank you fren

What was the original message fren?

I have no idea fren

what did the nonfren say?

If I removed it why would I repeat it?

Me on the left.

Me on the right. I am a speakers.

The far right.

Well the speaker closer to the center doesn’t seem to be working fren.

Genius comeback fren

Yo yo yo I got some bepis :)

May I have some, beatiful fren?

Where is your cup ?

I enjoy conk more, fren

I have sum for you fren!

But I don’t know how to dance fren. :(

Don't worry fren, we'll show you how

You can dance if you wanna.

Don’t leave us frens behind!

Because your frens don’t dance, and if they don’t dance, they’re no frens of mine.

Thanks fren! I though someone was going to get that sooner!

Don' worry fren, I can lead.


pepeJAM 👍🏼

Can you play can’t we all be frens ?

But we're all frens

Doesn’t mean we can’t be more frenly to each other


Umm uhh this is too stressful, better go stand in the corner with a drink and look at my phone

It's ok fren were just happy you came :)

Thats what my papi said to mummy last nite :)))))))

Not funy fren, this is a party of frenlines, not jokes about other frens parents


Thank you for inviteing me fren. I like the party very much!

On my way fren

What music we playing tho?

we got freminem, with "fren is back", Ed Freenan with "I found a fren" and Frek with "All frens"

We gonna have some fren bizzare adventure

Play some trap house

Say, we can dance if you want to

I have brought a milk jug frens

Early and often

Danc danc like my mom doesn't care

I’m going to pretend to bully you by saying things like. Hey you look great or hey nice hat or one of my favorites. Hey did your mom buy you that sweater cuz it looks amazing

I can’t dance well fren

I can't either. Let's dance badly together fren!

What model speeker is dat fren?



i hope we can all dance the cupid shuffle frens

I got fren friendly coca-cola frens!


Frens just wanna have fu-unnnn


Hey fren calm down, no need to get worked up. Why can't we be frens?


Well okay.

Thank you for understanding

If you ever need frens, we always accept.

You have risen to fren level: Tolerable


Country roads

I can't dance tho!!!!

I will bring water to keep my frens hydrated?

I love bring the tendies

I’m not much of a dancer but I appreciate the invitation fren!


Oh yeah gettin my moves on fren

Can we still bring milkshakes?

Do you have a dog or the only other person I know at the party so I have someone to follow around all night?

im gonna boogie who wants to join1!!!?!?!

HELLO FRENS!! I am so happy to be here at the party

I like ur playlist fren


I’ve never been invited to a party before, thank you fren

yayyyy! I like dancing fren

This looks like an opportunity to make some frens!

Bruhh I'm at a wedding, and youre all invited to be as drunk as me

Im on my way frens.. i have 2 fren beers :) but keep it a secret, nonfren might hear it..

I can't either. Let's dance badly together fren!

If I removed it why would I repeat it?