Hey Frens, check out my new Hashtags! :)

409  2019-05-26 by 2Manadeal2btw


Oh fren. How long until nonfrens ban hashtags.

Which would be a good thing, ironically

That bird website full of blue-sticker non-frens will stop working. Absolute win.


Veri gud fren. Be carrful peepol wil tihnk yur a twitr usor.

This fren has a point. Nobody wants to be seen as a twitter user. Be careful fren




I love hashtags!

Uncle would be proud

Thank you, very cool, fren

That's a very nice fashtag, fren

I must have seen between foirteen and eighty something of those hashtags this morning.

uh N O


Very nice, fren

beauty full hashtags fren


Hey fren, great job on the hashtags! Can you spare one? We could play tic-tac-toe :)

do you wanna be x’s or o’s, fren?

We have the best hash tags fren

I know you are a non-fren in disguise. BOP

Very nice hashtags fren!

I don't get it

Does everything have to be an innocuous reference fren? Its just some good, homemade hashtags.

Nice hhashtags fren :)

Does everything have to be an innocuous reference fren? Its just some good, homemade hashtags.