Some non frens celebrating a fren getting beaten up because of his flag. Why can't we all be frens

0  2019-05-26 by TURBO_TARD


He called a fren nigg*r. That’s non fren. His flag stands for racism, unfortunately. I do not condone violence but at the same time he is no fren

It's ok to call non frens words like that because they all do shit like this

I just looked At your post history. You’re clearly a troll. Please do not taint this frenly sub with your bullshit.

You post in /r/MensRights

You're even below me


u/bobgoogwin0987 is right though fren.

Frenworld is a sub of peace an' frenliness.

Calling nonfrens mean words helps no one.

Go back to clown world you dirty honkler.


u/bobgoogwin0987 is right though fren.

Frenworld is a sub of peace an' frenliness.

Calling nonfrens mean words helps no one.