It’s my cake day frens but nobody came to my party :(

267  2019-05-26 by LehPanda


Don’t worry fren, we’re here.

Thank you fren



Happy bday fren!!!! Here's a cake 🎂 and here's a present!! 🎁

Have an upvote fren!

You posted this earlier fren. How many parties did you have?

Hi fren! hug

Hi fren,

I just want you to know that you are important. I love you, as I'm sure most frens here love you. Your story is important, and you have much to contribute to this world, please stay rational. You can cry, and we are here for you, but let those tears feed your growth, and become a stronger fren!

With love, Fren Cam.

Also HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!!!!!!!

Make a wish, fren!

I wish for more chicken tendies to share with my frens :)

Happy Cake Day LehPanda! To a person that’s charming, talented, and witty, and reminds me a lot of myself.

I'm conflicted Fren if post at 69 upvote do I vote up to?

Happy cake dy fren

We're all here for you fren! no worry! lots of hug and love!

happy fren day

Happy cake day fren!

You got loads of frens!

All frens are right here in your heart

Happy cake day fren