/r/ChapoTrapHouse literally fantasizing over violently assaulting a twelve year old for wearing a pepe shirt

4444  2019-05-26 by FoxDieEeE


The irony of chapo constantly complaining about this sub while they're literally circlejerking over the idea of assaulting a child who probably just uses the pepe emote on twitch.

This is the level of delusion that these people operate at, thinking that the internet is a "serious war for culture" while they literally fantasize out of lynching a child for wearing a pepe shirt.

Archive of the r/chapo thread:


When fiction meets reality... or reality meets fiction... I’m not sure which is which anymore.

Fren, why do you post this? My frenly feed isn't too frenly with bottom mind people constantly being mentioned :(

could you crosspost this to r/The_Donald

Done. Will delete if anyone else has already done it,

Cheers mate

This shit has to stop before they really hurt somebody in real life. These mentally ill people are dangerous.

lmao. What should those keyboard warriors do? The only thing they can do is defame and hide behind there anonymity online. They probably don't even go Outside.

Political violence begins with little things and excalates. It must be stopped before it's too late

They do have a tendency to SWAT people.

yea thats bad. We in Europe don't have swat...pretty good in that situation.

Same for brazilian frens, but its still a bad situation for our american frens

How is going with bolsonaro fren?

Fren, to be honest i am not liking his government that much, but it's still better than the past ones

Same thing I can say here in Italy. When you have media, judges, church all against you it's difficult to change things. I hope your criminality rates will decrease

Yeah, Brazil is kinda the same, there is too much pressure on the new government

You're literally in a subreddit right now that's about larping as a baby fucking frog my guy.

People don't spend all day here and don't get butthurt over nonsense like some neurotic child

We don’t even see the irony here, do we folks?? Lmfao

Explain sir


Right but in the eyes of this sub those people deserved it. You can’t make fun of a kid’s shirt though, that’s bad

No alt right here. Just frens!


He explained, care to respond?

Are you blind or retarded?

So that’s a no, just some name calling

Not very frenly of you

You're a retarded nonfren

Why didn’t you respond to the person you asked to elaborate? I’m confused fren, he sent you some links

I responded retarded

/r/The_Donald and other right-wingers have already killed people.

Yeah can you imagine if they started commiting mass shootings of non frens? Oh wait

Somebody hasn’t heard of the chapo hermaphrodite shooter. Or say the baseball reference to the Bernie supporter who shot up a congressional baseball game

Nailed it. Most well said fren.

This sub:

Promotes unironic white nationalism with baby talk

Gets mad when somebody makes a joke about bullying


Tell that to your discord

implying we have a doxcord

what discord?


That’s a fake Discord we don’t actually have one

literally faked. nice try

I don't know what you want me to do to prove that I didn't make it personally.

you dont have to prove it man. i meant there is literally no discord for this reddit, and other people were tryna start stuff with a fake discord.

your good tho


He says, the dim light of his computer the only thing illuminating him

You need sun fren!

Go back to your retard corner. /r/ChapoTrapHouse should be a containment center, not a fucking brigade sub.

It isn't a brigade sub. We don't advocate brigading and never have. The only reason I'm here is that you guys are constantly talking about bopping minorities and suddenly we're the bad guys for making jokes about bullying.

wE oNlY pReTeNd tO bE rEtArDeD

Oh cool, you guys are the only ones with a pass to make dark jokes, nice.


It's not even dark jokes on Chapo, it seems like "dark humor" to them is just a veil on who they think should be executed by the state.



I've never seen a post promoting bopping minorities.

Be a nice fren. You might have seen some bad people on this sub but not very many people are bad frens here

the mod i’m replying too is a great example of a douche, so you tell me

STFU you braindead hypocrite.

What is "unironic white nationalism" and why is it a bad thing? Honest question.


Regardless, /r/ChapoTrapHouse literally harassed the family of an Alt-Righter who killed himself(after being doxxed by the brave members the establishment defense force, antifa), they raided his memorial page forcing it to be taken down, and even some lunatic when as far to desecrate his grave...


Not only where the posts celebrating and advocating this vileness and depravity up-voted by the comie friendly admins of reddit did nothing, while banning any and all genuine right wing sub with actual transgressive humor.


That fact that you are even free to post on this small subreddit without being banned just speaks about the absurdity and hypocrisy of your complaining.


Go away. Go play some Smash(don't forget to bathe). Go back to your morally and intellectual bankrupt circlejerk over at /r/ChapoTrapHouse and enjoy the current institutional support of your shitty ideology.

lmao only you fuckin nerds would think being stuffed in a locker constitutes literal violence, equivalent to lynching.

seems like you’re triggered from the ptsd of chads stuffing your lonely ass in a locker lmao

chapos are naturally violent betas who got bullied in high school.

very pathetic people.



seems you forgot about the bikelock bandit, and throwing bricks at people, but you're not violent, no, not at all

So being stuffed in a locker isnt violent? What? A kid from my school did this and spent 100 hours doing public service for it, got off the hook for the violent crime bit since he wasnt 18 yet.

Reminder that /r/ChapoTrapHouse literally harassed the family of an Alt-Righter who killed himself(after being doxxed by the brave members the establishment defense force, antifa), they raided his memorial page forcing it to be taken down, and even some lunatic went as far to desecrate his grave...


Not only where the posts celebrating and advocating this vileness and depravity up-voted, the comie friendly admins of reddit did nothing, while banning any and all genuine right-wing sub with actual transgressive humor.


fren, you took your mask off..what happened? Triggered? Here, have a milkshake to cool off ;)

Chapo fag

Top minds is the fucking worst. 100% serial killers as mods. Who knew pepe would be the face of the oppressed lolol

Don’t you guys like, love how Trump kills child migrants in his concentration camps?

Why are you posting in a 19 day old thread, chapocel?

thats a cartoon frog helicopter hybrid my friend, not a usual cth top thread such as "Can us proles rise up and guillotine our bosses yet"

Nowhere do any of those comments say any of those things. Holy fucking shit, did you even read? lmao The only delusional one here is you.

Yikes, uh wow there's a lot to unpack here. You guys don't seem to realize just how problematic that shirt is.

Chapo: all slave owners should be [redacted].

Also chapo: everyone who isnt a commie shitbag is a slaver.

Tankies gonna tank.

The thing that always gets me is otherwise normie types coldly explaining they're happy using the power of the government to murder those who resist a socialist tax rate in order to get their gun-free welfare state. Like really, giving the federal government you've screamed about for the last 4 years ultimate power so your tranny friend can get their bottom surgery subsidized by people like me seems like a good trade to you?

The state doesnt really need us to print moni anymore, fren. They have nonfrens who will labor for less while consuming more. We only make the stuff they want to consume more spensive. They dont want us involved at all if possible.

"Surely no one will come along and purge us! We're true comrades of the Revolution! Give up your guns and rely entirely on the State for your survival!"

laughs in Stalin

Reads updated manifesto discovers trannys are 1st on “the list”

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme



Why the hell would I want to fight my landlord? Fuck Mao, ideas like that are why no one takes your ideologies seriously.



During the Russian Civil War, the Soviet government allowed a variety of small arms and bladed weapons. Afterwards, the government made immediate alternations for those to whom it did not rely. The government had made it a point to "arm the working people" in the Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People in January 1918.[1] The December decree of the CPC of 1918, "On the surrender of weapons", ordered people to surrender any firearms, swords, bayonets and bombs, regardless of the degree of serviceability. The penalty for not doing so was ten years' imprisonment.[2] Members of the Communist Party were allowed to have a single weapon (a pistol or a rifle) and possession of the weapon was recorded in the party membership book.


The Chinese Communist party has, from its earliest establishment, made it a practice to carefully control weapons in its areas of control. In this respect it is not much different than most political and military movements that are attempting to gain control of a territory or overthrow a state.

The degree of strictness the party authorities took with view to weapons in the possession of anyone not officially tied to the army (e.g. 8th Route Army etc.) or affiliated with its armed militia units varies from location to location and in certain periods, especially during the mid-1930s and during the war of resistance against Japan, it was more willing to tolerate independent armed groups than in others.

A review of official CCP documents will find many orders banning private ownership of weapons before during and after its final victory in 1949. See for an early example,

"Inspecting for and Banning of Privately Owned Firearms, and Prohibiting the Unauthorized Wearing of Military Uniforms" (Council of People's Commissars April, 1933) Mao's Road to Power - Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 Volume IV Rise and Fall of the Chinese Soviet 1931-1934, p377.

You guys are really fucking dumb.

laughs in failed Spanish revolution that only would have survived with soviet intervention


Soviet presence was ONE of the many reasons why it failed in the first place. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Days

They went after the CNT-FAI (Anarchist) and the POUM (Communist), Orwell has a pretty good book that describes the events, he too had to run away from the soviets, he was a member of the POUM.

Edit: they also already had a lot of help from the Soviets, America would have been the only thing that helps, and America refused to help lol

meh, more just messing with my anarchist buddies.

Hmm, so anyways, what is up with this server, there seems to be somewhat of a strong right wing presence here. I really just want to know wtf this server is.

It’s right wingers advocating for genocide in baby talk. It’s weird as fuck.

If you're going to stay here you have to do the baby talk

Perfect username 👌

Litterally every commie revolution ever.

Wow this communist revolution sure cost us a lot, how can we save money? Oh yes, let’s execute the trannies to we don’t have to pay their transition bills. Next we’ll get the gays Incase they want to transition then we’ll get the people who support them!

In addition to that, I can see them executing people with real disabilities who need medical assistance to save money too. Oh well, so much for the loving and tolerant Communist utopia that definitely will not fail this time.

Don’t need you .. pretty sure we can get outside aid / funding / weapons from China , Iran , nk ,etc .

Who will aid you .. no one and greatly your outnumbered

Imagine thinking China and Iran were communist 😁

They would send us weapons , so would Russia .

The 40% would thank you 😍



How does it feel to have room temperature IQ?

Says the guy that talks like a baby clown to hide an ideology that bases human worth on the amount of melanin in someones skin. Im in awe at the size of this subs galaxy brain.

You (a brain genius): the left cant meme Me (a room temperature iq): https://imgur.com/a/NQG75Uz

I don’t think anything relies on someone’s skin color. Everything depends on merit.

Uh huh.

They have criminal minds, same as all people who want to use force to impose servitudes. Socialism/communism (they mean the same thing) have always been imposed by elites who are worried about people casting off their servitude. Socialism is just an updated sort of feudal system, where the peasants instead of being told "you are the serfs of the lords" are told that they are free and that the identical conditions they live under (serfdom, rendering things to others even if they don't want to etc.) is for their own benefit because they get free shit from the Government.

Well said.

Actually no , what makes it worth it is they give us dnc and gop voting records and we start a cleansing . Then it would be a fair trade .

I'm with you fren. But I do believe at the very least some universal healthcare would be nice and literally that's all. It doesn't have to cover things like peen mutilation. Look to the French healthcare model. Healthcare is actually cheaper there because important issues get taken care of before they get bad. Sorta like how preventative maintenance for your car is cheaper than waiting for something to brake to get it fixed.

yep. (cracks a whip) work, slave! Ironic, your people used to crack the whip on people they once deemed inferior, now we're doing the same thing to you for the same exact reason. How's it feel, whore? I sit on my ass all day LONG and you work your shit to the bone. Thanks for the luxury car, the free food, the free healthcare, and AALLLL my free weed! WELFARE!!!! YES!!!! Only idiots work for a "living" lol And you'll never stop us, we made you give us your guns, and every day we take more and more away. You're going to be defenseless, and forced to work until you die while we reap the rewards! And there's nothing you can do about it. Then all our nose frens are gonna come in and teach nose book stuff to all your kids you raped. And then we're going to burn your houses..because we know you only care about your stuff, so we're gonna trash it ands make you watch..sad frog face XD

How empty must your life be?

So, how many kids did you jerk off to this week? 8? 10? 157? That's not very frenly of you

Socialists are pro-gun, lmfao.

Not your garden variety American “AOC is Aaaaaaamazing and speaks TRUTH to POWER” socialist. They’re just dumber progressives.

If you wanna gatekeep socialism along this line be my guest but if you guys got your socialist utopia it’d be because the globohomos running this country figured it was the best way to expand their power while removing your civil liberties.

We wouldn't be voting in socialism - if we had it, the so-called "globohomos" wouldn't currently be alive. Can I ask a genuine question - dyou know what socialism is? No disrespect meant lmao

Yes bubba, I understand what you want, and I just explained that what other people who call themselves socialists would inevitably get you is something different. Remember, the post you responded to in the first place was about normies who call themselves socialists. They’re deluded.

Really? Because reading through the comments on this post, nobody here seems to know. They're out here calling universal healthcare socialist & saying that capitalism and socialism can coexist within one economy/nation. "Normies" who call themselves socialists but are actually just neoliberal (just as this sub is mainly neolib) are nothing new, I'm not worried about them.

Well, that’s what I was talking about so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine thinking communists want a gun-free ANYTHING. I suppose that's what you get when Prager U and a cartoon frog are your sources for information. This place is a cesspool of non-creative dogwhistles.

You’re responding to a month old post that never mentioned communists. Nobody cares enough to ban you.

lol "tankies gonna tank" doesn't refer to communists? large brain

Did I say that?

They’re hipster-commies.

Tankie is too good of a word for them. I keep it short n sweet - "Fags".


Tankies gonna tank.


Sure, while reddit admins encourage their behavior, while banning any and all genuine right-wing sub with actual transgressive humor for far less.

I love how the right wing is now using "tankie", a term anarchists and socdems used to insult MLs, as an insult for all leftists.

By this point slaveowners are the least of my worries. Unfrenly for sure (unless it’s some sort of BDSM thing), but clearly preferable to ChapoTrashHouse....



🙄...😏... "Wageslave"

What even is that disgusting sub, not frenly

It's a sub for fans of a neo liberal/socialist podcast that's retarded but relatively frenly. The fans, however, are unfrenly hysterical lunatics.

They are the "edgy" leftists who are as bad as the people the are fighting against online in their imaginations. The fandom is 1000x more cancerous than the actual podcast is.


40% of Chapos live with their parents

thats too small, is a lot more bigger than that

I'm going off their sub poll. Many probably made up their living status.

Despite being less than 13% of Redditors, they make up over 50% of non-frenly comments.

lol this guy posts to his own self page, imagine being such a fucking loser

remember that time you posted that no nut November meme to me-irl like five fucking times in a row and it still didn't take off?

Honestly, no. You guys are really grasping for straws, huh?

how about this epic maymay? lmfao


I'm not even a regular here I just like to shit on the protohumans who come in here with their head up their ass.

Do you post that much garbage that you don’t remember that or do you stay up late and night reminded of your terrible failure and you are trying to hide that?

I literally just commented “post hog” in frenworld so take a guess. It’s actually kind of sad how much you think other people give a fuck about how successful their reddit posts are. Chill out, dude. Maybe meditate a little? This stuff should not bother you as much as it does.

Don’t try and turn this around on me lol. I’m all good, go back to chapo with the other faggots and I’ll be even better.

Stop stealing /r/Drama's schtick.

commies and stealing, post a more iconic duo

Commies and starvation?

Chapos and dick sucking.


40% of chaps still living with mommy and daddy.

Post nose

Would you mind not using such homophobic slurs? You think it's funny to be an edgy 14 year old white boy and lash out against marginalized groups?

What a fag


Hey fren, no need to be unfrenly.

So far I'm up to two people who missed the point of my comment.

Best way to beat nonfrens is to hold them by their own standards.



I thought I was as far left as I come but there are some absolute morons over there, it's like r/The_Donald for literal commies

How can one seriously be a commie don't they know it doesn't work

What the commies want are the positive aspects of socialism, and they don't realize that socialism and capitalism can and do coexist all over the place, and they see capitalism as this evil force that corrupts everything in the end when the truth is that capitalism is amoral

Socialism and Capitalism when working together can be good if you use bits of both. I’m a Canadian and we have free healthcare. It’s really nice knowing that we don’t have to spend a fortune if we were to get into a bad accident.

Socialism’s positive elements are functional in an actual society when used in conjunction with Capitalism. Communism doesn’t work in an actual society, because you can’t have the good without the bad, and the bad is really fucking bad.

Yes, you phrased it much better

Certain aspects of socialism can be a massive boon to capitalist societies, but these positives can also be carried too far. In regards to healthcare, Canada does a fairly good job of not carrying these positives too far. But all socialist policies have a line where they no longer serve the society and instead serve individuals.

Canada is a bit too far left for me

Yeah nobody is happy with Trudeau right now. He’s gonna be gone by the next election in a few months. Good riddance, the only major thing he did was legalize weed, and that didn’t do anything at all for our economy. Still at 72% of the American dollar.

Trudeau is neo-liberal.

You're joking right? He spent most of his time fixing all the fuck ups from the Harper Administration. Like he promised. If you seriously think the only positive thing he did was legalize weed, do your country a favour and keep your ignorant vote out of the polls.

Trudeau isn’t far left lmao, he is just a typical Canadian centrist.

They are like a ying yang that is unironically just a black circle.

But you’re not taking about socialism, you’re talking about welfare and social services...

Socialism is about the workers owning the means of production, the tearing down of classes and the destruction of private property... aka retardism that will devolve into authoritarian genocidal regimes literally every time it gets a foothold.

I’m not talking about full blown socialism lmao, I’m talking about taking aspects of socialism and incorporating them into capitalism to create the sort of hybrid system that Canada runs on.

Again... that’s not socialist polices... those are social welfare programs and social safety nets... not socialism...

Him- it's literally the same picture.jpg

No, that's communism, not socialism. Try asking google about words that you don't know about before replying and looking like a moron. You are already on an internet connected device, how could it possibly be that much of a problem to educate yourself before you argue the wrong point?

No... that’s literally socialism... Communism is one result of the real world implementation of the socialist ideology... you are actually retarded

No. In communism the people own the means of production, and everybody gets the same shit, outside of things you might gain through corruption. In socialism the government owns the means of production. People still earn money, though most of their needs are met by the government. They can spend their money freely. Socialism is fully compatible with capitalism, communism is not.

And further, in democratic socialism, like they have in most European countries, the government takes care of people's basic needs like healthcare, as determined by the voters, and the rest is pretty much the way we do things today, except that less people are dying of starvation or preventable illness and such.

You must have a single digit IQ. I told you that you were wrong and you argued the point without even doing a basic fucking google search. Jesus. No wonder you people can't see what's wrong with Trump, you don't have two brain cells to rub together.

No. In communism the people own the means of production, and everybody gets the same shit, outside of things you might gain through corruption. In socialism the government owns the means of production.

You have that completely backwards... lmao... you’re actually fucking retarded...

Lol... so I tell you you’re wrong about socialism then you bring it to trump...? Ahahahahaha... wow.... I’m as confused as I am amused...

Have fun being an autistic retard...

What if I told you about the dictatorship of the proletariat and it's part in the process of implementing communism?

What if I told you about the dictatorship of the proletariat and it's part in the process of implementing communism?

I'd think you were experiencing some form of dementia considering it has nothing to do with the definitions of socialism and communism and the differences between them, which is what I was commenting on. It's somewhat related, but it's kind of like if you were having a discussion with someone about what ice cream flavor was the best and I came up out of nowhere and started telling you about the history of ice cream from 7th century China, where it was made from buffalo milk, flour, and camphor, up to today.

If you knew what it was, you wouldn't have said what you did.


AF Neil approves.

"the dictatorship of the proletariat has nothing to do with communism."

Hey man, take it up with Marx, not me 😄.

This dude, I swear leftists should at least read some abridged Marx. Gay pride articles from Vox and Vice and watching a little MSNBC is just not really cutting it.


Its still viable cuz your population isn’t huge, its impractical when you have a ton of people.

Socialism and Capitalism are not two different things. They are not opposites on a spectrum but rather all part of the same family. Socialism is actually a form of Capitalism. What the people refer to as "free market" Capitalism is actually what should be rightly called "Voluntarism". Voluntarism would be on the conservative side of the spectrum with power being decentralized and Socialism would fall towards the leftist end of the spectrum as it would consolidate power into statism or authoritarianism as it slides further Left into total state-controlled Communism.

Late to the party here, but have you read any Marx? He actually talks about (and praises) Capitalism as a part of a historical trend towards a more just economic system (Socialism/Communism). One position on the left is to dismantle capitalism by implementing socialism piecemeal so it's an integrated transition that is more difficult for authoritarian revolutionaries to hijack.

Social democracy's r lit

Everything is so black and white nowadays. I live in London and we have the NHS which is lovely. As long as taxes aren't stupidly high and I have free speech, it's fine

and I have free speech

You don't. Free speech became terminally ill when you disarmed citizens 23-ish years ago, and now it's on its deathbed. So what now? Wait until they criminalize advocating for free speech?

I'm serious, fren. How far will you allow others to be silenced before you take action? What actions will you take?

lets not get into a gun debate here, we truly don’t want as many guns here and that shouldn’t be an issue for someone who isn’t from our country.


Common misconception of the left .. we want our guns after all we are going to face off one day .

The one that want a gun less society are liberals .. big differences .

The only thing the hard left and right can agree on is 1. We want our guns 2. We want libs dead just as much as the right .

Please stop mixing up the 2 .

thats a lot of words just to say you’re an idiot

Praise be to tankies. At least you have a viable path of governing, even if it's failed pretty quickly every time for what should be obvious reasons (no it's not the imperialistic US).

Frens need guns. Guns make for frenly neighbors.

Yeah I know I don't but I advocate for it. But every time someone gets in trouble for something they say without inciting violence we grow bigger and stronger.

I don't think it's an arms issue but I see why you say that there's correlation at the very least

The NHS is not socialism. Socialism and capitalism are incompatible. They are so incompitable, that in the 1930s, the socialists of the Cominterm considered social democracy to be a threat to socialism so they called it "social fascism".

I know it's extended healthcare. I will never live in a socialist country if I can help it


Socialism and nationalism can coexit, and it's so good for white people it's banned.


The only thing scarier then the far left on reddit, is how much of the centrists and "moderates" are literally propagating their lies.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management... Social ownership can be public, collective or cooperative ownership, or citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, with social ownership being the common element shared by its various forms. -Wikipedia

Socialism and capitalism can and do coexist. Perhaps you would be surprised to hear that by definition, the United States is and always has been a socialist country.

Lmao, if you consider the USA a socialist country there is something wrong with you...

I'm afraid you are incorrect. Any nation in which there is a collaberation between business and state as well as any degree of self-management on behalf of the workers and there are services provided by the government which could reasonably be privatized is a socialist country by definition. Almost every country in the world is both a socialist and capitalist nation, because capitalism and socialism can coexist. The public education system? That's socialism. The freedom to choose which brand of product you buy? That's capitalism.

The public education system? That's socialism.

rOaDs aRe sOciaLisM toO, cOpS aRe sOCiALisM, cApItAliSt bUsiNesSeS aRe sOciaLism...

My god people are fucking retarded...

Sick ad hominem bro

Indeed bro.

Socialism is when the government does things, and the more things it does, the more socialisticky it is 😎

Let me give you a loose quote of some activist whose name I forgot.

You cannot be smart, good, and communist.

If you are smart and good, you aren’t a communist.

If you are good and communist, you aren’t smart.

And if you’re communist and smart...you aren’t good.

Dude I'm keeping this thanks


People don't witch Hunt kids on /r/The_Donald

They did harass some people tbf, but at least they werent kids

The last thing remember is them trolling the krassenstein brothers on Twitter

You're right they just kill people

Oh yeah there was a right wing death squad hunting black people and Mexicans down the road today. They said they organise raids on /r/The_Donald and asked me if I want to join and gave me a bump stock attachment for my AR15

Oh I guess that event speaks for all conservatives, huh? It's not possible that there is minority of nutcases that just got together

It was promoted by T_D.

T_D in no way endorses theose people

Thry endorsed the rally and said despite "those people" being there it was important to go and show support.

Seems fine with me. Uniting people is good if that's what the rally was supposed to be about but then turned to a shit show because of cunts

T_D specifically acknowledged those people would be there and supported it and sponsored it regardless.

This I do not know but: maybe they sponsored the event regardless of the bad impression the wrong kind of people made as to not downplay the rally of peaceful people

Seems pretty clear that you're going to jump through hoops here to do the Daddy Defense Force thing so whatever my guy.

Seems pretty clear that you're going to assume the worst and base everything on your memory (which is very subjective and prone to misremebering) here to do the orange man bad thing so whatever my guy.

Seems pretty clear that you're going to base everything on your memory

Why would we need to do that?


Oh, because they deleted their sticky when the heat was on.




Yes they do , they don’t witch hunt white kids is what you mean .

They witch hunt black/Asian/whatever kids? First time I've heard. To me it seems you are a little bit prejudiced when it comes to people with white skin colour

Centuries of systemic oppression will do that to you .

Hi I’m Doug,

Wow, you’re old then!

Thanks, Doug

The Donald isn't half bad, sure they're not the best but comparing them to chapo is just wrong

It's way worse than r/the_donald

They haven’t killed anyone though

The Donald killed someone?

Yeah what I feel like I would've heard of T_D killing someone by now

Yea, if it happened 2 years ago I feel like it would still be on the front page.


“T_D believes things I don’t like. This is LITERALLY MURDER.”

Lol ok retard

i agree with your message, but that wasn’t very frenly, fren

It radicalized a person to drive a truck into a crowd of people, killing a young woman.

It radicalized a man to kill his father for being “too far left”

Yeah black people Twitter is definitely responsible for 100% of the gang violence too

fun fact, teh morbidly obese woman acutally died of a heart attack!

Fun fact, you’re full of shit

r/The_Donald is mostly just full of out of touch republican boomers. Not really on the deep end of right wing politics.

Yeah I consider myself conservative but I’ve matured a bit in the past couple years. t_d can be pretty damn cringeworthy.

The whole “the left cant meme” thing is super ironic; neither side is funny.

so wrong lol

The right does make some good memes, but T_D is not really the hotspot for them. I say that being a subscriber over there lol

It used to be during election season

Craaaaaack... Siiiiiiip...

That sub got compromised around late 2016. It was lit earlier in the year

There was good stuff during the election but now the same shit is recycled every day. Every of age user migrated to a bunch of other subs including me. It's a trend with any sub that gets a lot of traction, no exception there.

Matured means you accept the 14 words now or you cucked out and okay with white genocide?

Nah fuck the left. I just find r/the_donald annoying most of the time

It's more like all the funny people left after Trump betrayed his base.

I've seen plenty of people on r/the_Donald calling out boomers for fucking up the country

Matured means you accept the 14 words now or you cucked out and okay with white genocide?

To be fair TD pales in comparison to the idiocy, racism and hypocrisy of chapotraphouse.

How is it like r/the_donald?

Yes its like the Donald in that it has memes. Its not like the Donald in that it's not full of hatred of minorities. The differences are there but too subtle for the republican mind.


I was subscribed for a little because I didn’t fully understand what was going on there, but then I realized, on either side if you go too far, they’re both equally bad. The far-right sucks, the far-left sucks. What the hell has happened?!

Radical centrism happened

They're literally getting a powertrip by fantasizing about harassing an underage kid. What pathetic little freaks.

This is what happens when frens don't think for themselves, and are constantly bombarded with hateful rhetoric. The only way out for these poor frens that have been turned nonfrens is complete meltdown of their way of thinking.

Unfortunately the only way to achieve that is the lynching of their hivemind 3:

I just wanna be frenly and have tendies and bbq and hunny mussy with my fellow Amerifrens. 😭

The lynching dosen't have to be a hanging. But the hivemind must be held accountable for their nefarious actions. As good frens live, so must nonfrens be punished for their criminal deceit.

Don't forget about your austrlifrens

You sound fucking retarded

You sound like a nonfren.

You sound like a slave owner

Only with Amerifrens? Well fuck you too

I would share tendies with other frens in other countries too when I'm there :)


they dont care, they're just bitter losers who want to drag people down because they know they'll never accomplish anything or "beat the man"

they'll just start shit and be awful living in their parents basement

It's actually really funny to think about, that these people were probably the ones that were bullied and now they fucking jump at the idea of literally anyone they can find as a target. It's like they're projecting all their middle school woes onto random 12 year olds on the internet because that's the only demographic they will ever have any real sense of power over.



Literally used maybe over a million times a day but they have a couple counter cases where it was used by shitbags.



"Those frens who would give up essential Tendies, to purchase a little temporary Blankey, deserve neither Tendies nor Blankey." -Benjamin Frenson

I would’ve gone with Frenjamin Frenklin

Me too fren.

Sometimes frens have to be unfrenly to stop nonfrens from hurting our frens.

Chapotrapshouse do know if fren sees that post he isnt just going to join them. If anything fren is going to hate them and there ideas. Rule 1 with arguing with someone is not to insult them, It just turns possible fren into nonfren.

I really doubt anyone commenting ever shoved anyone in a locker, quite the opposite actually.

"Hey, you know the captain of the football team? He's a communist!", said no one ever.

I beat up nerds like this my whole highschool career.

You're probably some lardass that typed that with greasy fingers

Lol I fuck your girlfriend regularly

His girlfriend is a tranny.

Yeah I've been pushing that faggots shit in for weeks

Go get in your old ass honda civic and feed some more shrooms to animals you degenerate

Lol so cute 😍

redditor capable of beating people up

Lul, stop dreaming you pathetic landwhale

Because lifting gives you healthy levels of testosterone and undeniable proof that you can change your life through hard work and repeated effort.

Lifting is literally fighting gravity, doesn’t get much more metal than that.

It does get more metal. Gravity is literally the weakest force. Try fighting electromagnetism instead.

I got very nonfrenly with the microwave once when it burned my tendies.

I got very nonfrenly with the microwave once when it burned my tendies.

One time I tried to microwave the last twelve unpopped kernels in a bag of microwave popcorn.

It caught on fire and nearly burned down my home.

Very unfrenly.


I don’t see electromagnetism holding together a planet. Electromagnetism is so strong it cancels itself out via opposite charges coming together, thus having a weak overall effect.

What do you bench pussy?


A communist poster on Facebook or some other social media site (I cant remember) told his fellow communists on the site to go to the gym because a fascist probably went to the gym that day and they should to. His fellow communists called him abeliest.


Yoooo lmfao that sub reddit is gold

I thought it was unironic at first but then I saw it and its glorious.

so true, also nice name man


Yeah, we pulled people out of lockers!

They shoved a locker in a person?

If you haven’t been banned from that subreddit you’ve done something wrong.

I'm banned and I don't even remember what I did.

You didn’t suck a dick

Which subreddit?


That and the anarchy subreddit are full of braindead shitheads

If you’ve been banned from that sub you made the mistake of going to that sub in the firstplace.

I’m surprised one of their Jannies hasn’t just banned me for existing lmao

I never went there. Should I go there and call them faggots?

I just checked out this entire dogshit fren sub of yours and as expected it turned out to be a new infestation of incels this site will get rid of pretty soon. All I gotta say is if every one of you died of manic cholera all at once by tomorrow 2am, absolutely nothing of value or lulz would be lost. Fucksake.

Now one of the unrefined cucks who mod here here ban me while a bunch of virgins rage bellw.


Suck a dick and then die from AIDS

I need backup bops, frens. BOP BOP BOP

fren support granted, drop the tendies

lol it's angery

WARNING frenworld has now militarized and we will bop any nonfren caught invading kekistani land. This is your one and only warning.

Fuck off retard

I carry pocket sand for fools like you.

It's ok son your mother used to carry my black cock in her mouth so we good now


muh dick

Every single time.

Oh, makes more sense now. Sorry for assuming you had potential to be anything but shit.

Lol, cuck 1000% confirmed

Thirteen percent


Suck a dick and then die from AIDS

Is that an insult or an autobiography?

Freddie Mercurie's at least

Threats are not very frenly

Pretty homophobic there guy

What did the Guy say?

strange, pretty sure the admins put chapo on watch for constant death threats

Who hurt you? Y u so angerery?

I can't take Chapo e-threats seriously when every single one of you look like [this](https://i.redd.it/iybyd3pnbaw21.jpg)

Stop being edgy and the hating the west timmy

End your worthless inbred life, defender of the "west". I can piss in a gutter and soak up five random cocksuckers like you, in all seriousness if this entire sub committed mass suicide absolutely fuck all of value would be lost.

“We’re not telling people to kill themselves as bad as you, now kill yourselves all of you”

I never once denied recommending suicide to any of you subhuman vermin fucks so idk what the fuck are you trying to say there, inbred.

I’m trying to be nice ok? Maybe go outside? Get a hobby? Get a pet cat? Ask out your crush? Maybe don’t defend people that wish death on 12 year olds due to a claim with no backed up evidence? Want me to read you a bedtime story?

Lmfao I love Leddit, only here you can see lifeless incel virgins giving you wholesome life advice after you shit on their secret incel layer where they hide behind their pathetic pepe image macros and console each others misery by posting far right wing (((content)))). For fucks sake you hilarious self unaware chodes.

Far right wing Actually I’m a left wing, Reddit has many political views on it, so please don’t get mad that someone doesn’t have the same.

Secret incel lair Can confirm it’s not

Virgin r/Ihavesex

Please be nice, you wouldn’t say this to a stranger, would you?

try harder soyboy to larp as a channer

soyboy channer

everyone here already knows you grew up watching your mother have trains run on her by multiracial men(daily, that's why most of these fucking losers are here anyway) you don't have to emphasis on it that hard you retarded little white manlet


Thank you for this thread chapocel. Your autistic screaching never ceases to entertain

InCeL vIrGiNs hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

are you bad bro? you sound mad.


They either look like that or they’re trannies. I’m not exactly worried about them leading a revolution.

Cuck sighted on the port bow sir!

Chapocide when?

Manic cholera? Wtf is that?


don't you have some video games to go play?

maybe some fan art to draw?

Some wrasslin to watch maybe?

Try being frenly Mr. Champo. It's not that bad! Unfrenliness just eats you up from inside.

Why 2am? It seems oddly specific.

That's not very frenly fren.

Why do you hate frenliness so much?

wew lad



Go get bopped non-fren. Maybe lighten up and eat a tendie?

Would you like to join me for tendies fren? I could go for some tendies right now. Its on me

Holy shit. Frenworld has been accused of many things, but I have never seen anyone call it "infested with incels". Where did you come up with that?

Just one of the buzzwords they use

Is this really how you want to spend your time?

Are you so impotent in your own life that wanting to hurt others seems like a good time to you? Is it psychopathy? Meth withdrawal? Help me understand.

I'm honestly wondering how a human can get this pathetic. You seem aware that the world is better without you in it, that's why you use lines like "if you all died, we wouldn't lose anything of value." That's not true for you, though. You put conscious effort into making the world worse: your death would be a genuine improvement to the world, and to your own experience, too.

Really, why are you so weak? And why so evil? And why would you want to continue on in this way?


Lmao you said that without any sense of irony too. Calling us worthless while you chapocels celebrated an attack on disused golden dawn offices a month ago. That's where your movement is at, celebrating attacks on empty office buildings as some kind of great resistance move.

Did really you see a post about people wishing to hurt a child and then go into a sub that posts a bunch of shitty jokes, and then get mad at the people posting the jokes and not the ones wishing to beat the shit out of a child. Just wondering

How about the creeps who even take a picture of a random twelve year old in the first place?

These champos are really unfrenly :(

Don't worry frens, chapos are physically incapable of bullying anyone, they never drank their milk as children.

Is it a bad thing i pictured someone trying to punch someone and then having there entire skeleton collapse

No, because exactly that would happen


this fren just likes pepe the frog why they gotta be meanies to him

And yet they call us the violent ones.

"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion." -Nonfren Marks

Well, we should start

yeah institutional violence is definitely violence g

I just want everybody to be frenly

I actually like the podcast. They’re one of the few leftist who can be insightful and their criticisms of US foreign policy and the Democratic Party are insightful

But their fans are toxic puns and not fren at all

I've never listened to the podcast, but that sub is one hateful shithole.


The subreddit is ironic for the most part, I wouldn’t take it too seriously

Absolute room temperature iq to believe that someone deserves death for a non-political meme, of all things

I guess this is why the left wing isn’t always right.

I would settle for shoe size iq


There is no comment in the picture about the kid deserving death.

I legitimately would wear that hoodie. I wonder where the kid got it.

freememeskids store I believe


What's wrong?

what a fucking embarrassment you are! wow. please send me a photo i can show my friends

What's the embarrassing thing here, the fact I bought something to wear inside my own home. Or the fact a bunch of grown adults from the safety of their homes ripped into a fucking child for what he decided to wear.

I'll also pass on the picture. I don't want you and your faggot friends beating your micro penises over me at the thought of causing me a minor cleaning bill.

holy shit gotem

The chocolate milk comment made me laugh

You need to report all of them for violence to Reddit admins like they do to us. I got suspended because they reported a picture of chicken wings I posted.

Frenworld users have been banned from the site for making jokes


I would love to report the site but I am an ignorant fren, even though I’ve been here for a year

Cry harder you fuckin NEET loser.

"Maybe bullying nerds wasn't such a bad thing after all" - says the redditor with no friends and life prospects

Chapotards would get bullied first 100%

That’s just vile.

Nah those are true alphas who "bully nerds". I'm get hs flashbacks just looking at it. Who doesn't remember shitting themselves when the 5 foot overweight horrendously ugly transgender and pansexual antifa captain of the football team would roam the halls making sure the nerds referred to xor with the correct pronouns and stuffing kids right of Stalin in lockers? Chapo kids truly were the coolest in high school and definitely don't bring up bullying high school kids all the time because they all got bullied.

Yeah, the gender-queer, disabled, persons of color were the real folks who ran my high school.

I'm glad I graduated before the Judeo-Christian Elites started flooding our high schools with estrogen

Hmm at least hear in Texas the "cool" high school kids are still cliche. Any chapo user would definately be bullied.

Im scared


CTH is a shithole, BAD people, not the best people

Not exactly crossing my fingers for this story to end up on r/Topmindsofreddit


Wtf is chapotraphouse anyways?

Podcast fan sub but has devolved into communist forum.

It's a subreddit for a far-left politics podcast

Maybe, just maybe, the point of wearing the sweatshirt was the reaction, of which they gave him.

Brainlet chapofags give on too easily.

Chapo: Fuck all of you violent facists you deserve death. Also Chapo:

Look at him, he's wearing a shirt of a badly drawn green frog.

Lets lynch him!

the sub breaks out in spregie REEEEEEEEEEEEs

/pol/acks might be retarded autists, but the fact that they got the far left REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing like this about a fucking meme is... well, I really have no words to describe it.

I mean just imagine, when your perception of the great political struggle of your age amounts to crying about green frogs on the internet and throwing milkshakes at people.

The communists chapotards look up to would put those same retards in front of a firing squad, first and foremost probably.

Honestly, how do they expect to achieve anything

Someone else will do it!

that's how you know they're real communists

4chan is where smart people go to act dumb. Reddit is where dumb people act smart

Why would smart people waste their time acting dumb?

acting dumb is actually pretty difficult

Well, it’s good to know you think Nazism, anti-semitism and white nationalism is dumb.

Those words are stupid, as only white people are acutal people. Everything else is just vermin

In order to be human you have to be hue-man. How can whites be people if they aren’t even hue-man?

You tell us, fren.

Maybe those ‘smart’ people aren’t smart to begin with. Maybe they’re dumb.

The average redditor/chapofag isn't dumb, but instead just a Dunning-Kruger suffering, 110-120 IQ nerd that got bullied in highschool. There is nothing more insufferable than a slightly above-average "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" ratheist.

Real horseshoe theory is recognizing that 90IQ and >130IQ people have more in common politically with each other than everyone else in the middle.

The old joke about 4chan being where smart people go to act stupid is a half-truth, there are legitimate retards there too.

It’s ok to be fren

Chapo is the most violent sub on this site, by a mile.


lmao wow the walls are truly closing in on drumpf

Impeached for sure this time!

Ok this is f*cked. NGL I like Chapo humor and all that good shit, but this is getting overboard, mate. I wasn't really a fan of their milkshake memes, since they are a gateway to political violence. But on the other hand they are pretty funny. Now this bullying of an underage child is going too far

Mob mentality is scary and reddit makes it so easy to circlejerk.

Those people aren't very nice

What the actual fuck, i wear pepe shirts and no1 has said anything bad, i don’t live in the west though, so idk how things are there.

Boo hoo u mad frens?

Begone, chapocel.

Nah, fuck you


Non fren



here.. take a downvote for your insolence.

Evil chapocel


Just because your crush said hi to you twice and she doesnt actually like you doesnt mean you have to take it out on us. Oh sorry, it's all CAPITALISM's fault for her not liking you?



When chapo see gay porn, chapo go fappo.

why post nonfrenly sub :(

Of course they do, they just gotta bash the fash and save the world from Bosnal Dromp and the American Reich.


Those damned bullies, its always those bullies

Chapos larping as if they weren’t the ones being thrown in lockers chapo is literally just a bunch of suburban white boys who are mad daddy made them get a job

Is Chapo Trap house named after El Chapo?

Cause I guarantee them El Chapo is problematic

incredible discovery. once again, right-wingers display a masterful deftness with irony


All of them are 5 feet 500 pound imps and gnomes, who talk big on reddit and drink soylent for each meal of the day. The only ones they are bullying are themselves infront of the mirror at 2am crying, because their father never gave them enough love. So who cares what those [redacted] think.

Why can't we be frens

Why can't we be frens

Would you like to be my fren?


Hi fren. We are frens now. Remember to stay hydrated.

I will, my hydro homie

All the people in the chapo comments acting like they weren't bullied as a kid... fucking come off it.

One of their rules states to not encourage violence, yet here we are. They can’t even follow their own memo.


Honk Honk


What is this Pepe character all about


He was a children’s book character but now he’s a meme mainly used by 4Chan and people who lack brain cells consider him a hate symbol

What's the idea behind the meme because I've seen it plenty and don't get it? Also why do people take a disliking to poor Pepe?

There’s many ways to use Pepe as a meme, usually reaction memes

And people hate him cause a few /pol/tards started to use them in their “le libtard pwnd” memes

Is the nonfrens starting a war ?


wow i love 4chan

How is Chapo now quarantined?

They aint no frens of mine

Does it bother them that much that he's wearing that pepe shirt? Just let the guy be, he's not hurting anyone.

They are terrible, terrible people. Pepe is just a widely known characters nowadays. But apparently that’s a problem, because green fren bad.

PepeHands Poor fren

That subreddit should be banned. Unfriendly, hateful, violent humans...

chapo is filled with pussy boys who talk huge shit on the internet but internally rage when confronted in real life and cuck out over any small confrontation

lmao ur toxic masculinity is positively RADIATING b

lol ok retard

Classic projection.


Like i dont like tankies but theyre only saying he deserves to be bullied thats hardly calling for extreme physical violence against this kid

This fren lookings like frentuber superstitum


"I can't handle seeing the image of a cartoon frog."

words mean nothing. there is no such thing as context. there is no meaning to be derived from any image.

Why are people unable to see past the fact that an art was exploited to support some alt right agenda ,hating on pepe just justifies the alt right group moronic attempt to cloak itself with a comedic facade to downplay the terror brought by them ,just appreciate the art ffs

it never exploited any agenda brainlet. it was just offensive memes that leftist thought was an agenda and then boomers decided it was agenda because "its just a frog stupid libtard"

the pepe meme is just another redpill on the age war

It was the frog that was exploited not the agenda ffs

there never was an agenda thats the point. the frog was a joke and the """agenda""" was also a joke. the only people who saw the jokes as serious were liberals and they spurged out. then boomers turned pepe into some free speech bullshit to own the libtards.

there is also nothing wrong with using a new account. thats how people join a website


hope they die tbqh

They complain to admins about death threats, but then the admins threaten to shut down their sub for the exact same thing

Ey, nerds. I was banned from T_D but I haven't been banned here yet.

I'm the guy who said "They don't make lockers big enough." AMA before I'm banned from the sub.

Why wooden doors? oh and kys faggot

What about wooden doors?

Have you see what your favourite podcast looks like, you are in no position to call anyone nerds.

What is the capital of Bulgaria?

Google says it's Sofia, so I'll take their word for it.


How are you doing?

Has the Communist revolution started yet? Or are you Faggots still circle jerking in your mother’s basement?

hoes mad x24


and then one day for no reason at all people voted #onkler into power

What the fuck

They call for bullying kids in the name of stopping bullying.

"The next generation of bullies will call themselves anti-bullies" - Winston Frendhill

Speaking from experience, they will witch hunt you if they want to even tho its against the reddit Rules. their sub is a horrible cringefest and a big ass circlejerk.

How would they like it if we started commenting down about how we want to assault someone over a Hammer and Sickle shirt?


What the fuck, it's just the standard feelsbadman as well. For all we know this lad just watches a lot of twitch and likes the meme.

People in r/enlightenedcentrism told me I am the guy everyone in the sub makes fun of because I said that leftists can also be violent.

Here you see what I mean

Maybe it's time their trap house got a fire inspection! Wouldn't want even nonfrens to be unsafe!

I want that jacket


Lol calm down it's something called satire.

Yeah thats always the case isnt it? Just cover up your vindictive behavior under the guise of satire and its suddenly its just good natured ribbing.

The reason I said this was to show how ridiculous what this sub does is. Lots of people with views opposing mine constantly use this argument and the point was to show the stupidity of it. I don't agree with the doxxing of a young child who probably doesn't know any better.

Then why did you make that first comment

The irony of a chapofag saying it’s just satire when they literally cry over satire memes every day lmao


When people use pepe or the literal okay sign you guys cry about how its a dog whistle for a race war or something like that.

But when you literally advocate for harassing, bullying, and sometimes even murdering people who are fricking children apparently then its "JUST A PRANK BRO ECKS DEEE"

I'm making the point of how ridiculous it is. To be absolutely clear, I dunt support fixing it threatening children, and I don't think it can be passed of as a joke. In my personal experience the right used this excuse FAR more than the left.

But the right doing something doesn't justify/lessen the intensity of anybody else doing it. And the reason the right uses that excuse more is because copious amounts of left people admit that they're dead-serious.

But do you understand that I am condemning this way of getting out of something? My point is that it's wrong, not that if other people can do it so can I.

Oh shit I'm stupid lol. Yeah I agree with you man


The funniest part is these scumbags fantasizing about being the bully when you know they were the ones getting put in lockers in high school. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a commie taller than 5’7 or with any kind of muscle mass.

That's because you never go outside. You fuckin NEET manlet.


tfw in employment, education, AND training

tfw 6’1

You’re literally just projecting your insecurities at this point babe. Go back to fap house and cry some more.

It's crazy how many people feel bullying helps by making nerds not so nerdy. Like that's a bad thing anyway.

ChapoTrapHouse to me is Antifa and I consider them to be domestic terrorists that are subhuman.

Remember verbally say whatever...Never attack first, let them assault you first and make sure its on video. At this point you have two options...Run & Press charges...or beat them til they have brain damage and then claim self defense.

I dream of a day I can get assaulted by one. Decades of rage is gonna be unleashed on someone’s face/neck/head until they need reconstruction surgery.

milkshakes and shoving into lockers = violent assault
i know a hew million high schoolers who should be getting life sentencing then

you dont get life for assault dickwad.


If you think bullies only “assault” people once, you don’t know what a bully is

you dont get life for bullying either dickwad

milkshakes and shoving into lockers = violent assault

Yes literally.

So if I win a football game and get drenched in lemonade I can now file an assault case against my team?

All said by a bunch of kids who would have been trash canned in high school. Little man syndrome is just as bad a tds.

I'm going to use this HP metaphor to remind you all that Wizards could literally multiply food into infinity to end world hunger yet they still remained "secret" like absolute cowards

There's literally someone there calling the wizards from Harry Potter cowards because they didn't end world hunger. That's insane. It's literally a set of books dude.

It's just a joke about harry potter lmao why are you taking it so seriously

What's the joke? It was in response to:

Kids like this are to their own families what Harry Potter is to the Dursleys

Maybe I'm missing the funny part, idk.

People generally throw in a /s at the end if they are being sarcastic or something.

Chapo has a culture of mocking people that use /s and rightly so. Also most people on chapo dislike harry potter because far too many shitlibs filter their entire worldview through it.

So then how is this post even a thing? Are they not obviously trolling about the kid with the pepe shit on then? I have to be missing something.

far too many shitlibs filter their entire worldview through it

I see they have a list on the sidebar of leftist podcasts and shit. Is this sub like hyper-liberal to the point that they don't like the mass of libtards like the ones we see all over reddit?


So then how is this post even a thing? Are they not obviously trolling about the kid with the pepe shit on then? I have to be missing something.

I missed the topic when it was first posted, but honestly the "acts of violence" that is being advocated are either so incredibly hyperbolic, like using a nuclear weapon on a single kid, or archetypal high school bullying stuff. I kinda think it's a little bit tasteless here. As for the Harry Potter part, using it for a small comparison is fine, as it is there, but filtering your entire political worldview through it is infantile and disgusting.

I see they have a list on the sidebar of leftist podcasts and shit. Is this sub like hyper-liberal to the point that they don't like the mass of libtards like the ones we see all over reddit?

Not hyper-liberal, leftist. There is a world of difference between the two and the left was systematically gutted between the 50s-80s so the only real "left" force you had in America and the west to a lesser extent was liberals, to whom any class analysis of the system is anathema.We are finally starting to see a rebirth of of the true left, which has an actual material analysis of the world and why it is the way it is and how to solve the problems. Liberals are resisting this force, and honestly if you want actual grounded criticisms of most dems, the left is the best place to find it. People that stan Biden, Pelosi, Buttigieg, Clinton and their ilk are the enemy to the left since they stand in direct opposition to the goals we hope to achieve.

Just to add, almost everyone on the left gets why Trump won, because he recognized that there are fundamentally massive issues in america which are coming to surface, its just that we think he is doing the absolutely opposite of what needs to be done to solve them. Also the fact the rhetoric out of the republicans has been getting more and more fascistic is something to definitely be concerned over.

someone already retorted in 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OQsIwn4_gc

Cringing at them RN

Ah yes, watch this slip past AHS’ radar.
Meanwhile we’ll get called out for calling it out!

Which comment advocates for violently assaulting him? They talk about bullying the kid, but that's no different than comments the OP, u/FoxDieEeE, have made before.

Maybe the ones saying to throw a milkshake at him, tan him, or feather him?

You said violent assault. Throwing feathers or a milkshake don't qualify as violent. You've made worse comments than that, so why are you suddenly upset?

you know that tanning means beating? or you know that "feathering" doesnt literally mean throwing feathers at you?

Admins literally banned the people who made those comments for violent comments lmao

They said "give him a spray tan" and you've extrapolated that out to mean "beat his ass". Nice job. Still funny how you have an issue with them, but not with your own shitty comments.

That feel when you're so delusional and brain dead you have to defend comments from your subreddit about beating the shit out of children.

Go fuck yourself retard

I love how upset you are getting for being called out on your bullshit delusions and hypocrisy.

i love how you defend beating children, psychotic weirdo

I'm not supporting that. I'm pointing out that you're making a mountain out of a molehill, all while being guilty of having done that shit yourself.

Chapo advocates violence regularly. continue defending people wanting to beat the shit out of children for wearing meme shirts, shithead

And how is that any different from what you have done?

Stay strong

wew lad

Chapo is a bunch of upper middle class normies who didn’t finish their NYU degrees in useless bullshit and are only middle class because they married a wealthy girl who bullies them daily, or their parents were rich so they can always borrow rent money. The rest are programmers that are decent at coding but work about 20 minutes a day because they have to read the hill and slate and comment on chapo all day.

That sub needs to go

Fucking violent assholes

But we’re the bad guys... 🤡🌎

Sounds like the nonfrens got bullied, you’d think they would learn some compassion after being shoved in lockers themselves.

Post this to r/iamatotalpieceofshit , all of these people belong there.


Just got banned from that shithole a day or two ago. Can’t believe it took that long.


This kid needs some tendies


This is legitimately sad. Poor fren

What even is r/ChapoTrapHouse?

That’s not very frenly

Leave them alone, they are, may God forgive me for uttering this, a non-fren

Liberals: it’s ok to hurl obscenities, food, and even assault another person, if you feel you have the moral high ground.

So progressive!


lmao wow this sub is shit

This site is shit.

You're shit.

Your dick is shit!


So unfrenly.

Chapo fursonas

As if that sub couldn't get any more degenerate...

Just report them to the FBI.




Imagine being far left and encouraging bullying and discrimination towards someone based on the way they choose to express themselves through fashion.

Leftism is a psychological condition caused by the industrial/technological society.

literally fantasizing

as if

lmao y'all are so sensitive to satirical jests, frens.

Chapo banter has thus far proven harmless, as 1) it is all satire, and 2) as some here already sort of pointed out for alpha reasons, CTH is devoid of the ability to cause irl action anyway (because it's a meme sub that's full of weak liberals, succdems, tankies, and anarkids). Also, this sub jokes about 'bopping' people all the time, like gtfo with that complaining shit lol.

Chapo is literally a r/fullcommunism tankie colony. Lmao retard

I'll bop you until you're frenly because right now you're not speaking like a good fren

Post nose or btfo

r/COMPLETEANARCHY poster WeirdChamp


That's hilarious.

Stupid non frens



I dislike that sub. Any other frens?

if i made a watchdog sub that watches the watchdog subs would any frens be interested in joining?

What the fuck is wrong with people?


This doesn’t seem frenly at all. Why’d you post it?

Volcel? I know that guy!

Typical Reddit users.

How have I not see this until just now

Frens must not let's nonfrens destroy us

This makes me sad frens


Frens, we must UNITE! Against this Chapo menace.

Commented on chapo with an alternative view on something and got -99 karma..... can you help me get it back up by upvoting. Love u all

"violently assaulting" aka locker jokes and milkshaking

The same thing you chapos made an entire movement out of.

imagine being such a nerd that you think joking about shoving people into a locker is threatening violence, on your sub about veiling genocide apologia by talking like a brain damaged toddler

Imagine thinking nerd is an insult. Go back to 1997, you archaic peice of trash.

I can smell this reply

Imagine wanting to bully a 12 year old kid for wearing a meme shirt. You are pathetic.



school shooting gun money

They didn't even try

Lol all the comments are literally about highschool bullying you massive dork

Lmao this is way less violent than the shit you retards dog whistle about all day

Nah, sorry im not a violent child abuser like chapos.

Yes we totally threaten violence on 12 year old boys.

you mean fantasizing about shoving into a locker? lmao

Fantasizing beating the shit out of children is good if the kid is a chud!!!!!!!!

i dont think laughing at the prospect of a shitty kid getting bullied into learning a lesson is the same as saying i want to personally harm a kid

Imagine thinking you're teaching a kid a lesson by assaulting him for wearing a meme shirt.

Chapos are mentally ill

What lesson do you want him to learn?

That he deserves to die because his ancestors owned slaves?



Thank you for the request, comrade.

I have looked through u/foxdieeee's posting history and found 1 N-words, of which 0 were hard-Rs.

So much for the tolerant left

So inclusive of them.

Violent assault.. milk shake.. Pick one pussies

but the bad frens at bottom minds say we’re the hate sub, why frens?

Milkshakes are violent assault? A tad of bullying (which he definitely gets for being an incel weeb) is violent assault? How else do we get you nerds to stop whining about how alienated and afraid you are about talking to women, or about how western civilisation is changing, or about how Muslim and trans people exist, etc etc. If we gotta dunk a few heads in the toilet to correct the behaviour, so be it. Get along with your neighbours or fuck off.

How much pussy did you get being the chad antifa leftist at your school? Did women swoon seeing your 6'7 height and copy of tje communist manifesto? You're clearly a 10/10

Oh, right you're a chapo lmao, bye chapofag

Being a vuilent bully is getting along with neighbours now?

stop sexualizing a twelve year old freak

Broke: a journalist wrote it so it's credible

Woke: a journalist wrote it so it might be credible

Bespoke: a journalist wrote it, so it is a lie.

lol owned



I think the test is: would you talk like this, like a child in front of parents or grandparents? No, you wouldn’t.

Mean commie nonfrens are so violent :’(

Frens: we don't take kindly to folks who don't take kindly

Frens: "we don't take kindly to folks that don't take kindly"

Filtered! :D

Why aren't they a hate sub cause it sure fucking seems more hateful than here

That place is just full of neck beards

Nonfrens everywhere :(

Bipiti bopitit chapo is retardotiti.
Thnak you frens


Tards are gonna tard.


Volcel here. I'm flattered! Were you triggered by a lame joke about chocolate milk?

I don't support bullying. I think you guys should all be able to wear a Pepe onesie to school, and you should be allowed to write essays in grugtalk. To show people how friendly you are, bring your dakimakura with you whenever you go out.

Wow, go back to lame twitter


Hoes mad


"What's this appeal to tradition? Why do I have to do what some stupid ancient ghosts think I should?"

Because the traditions that kept society alive will keep it alive through the future. Tradition is not keeping the ashes. It is preservation of the flame.

On a serious note, im subbed to both subs and this kinda shit is the reason the left loses

It's really unfrenly to lynch a 12 year old over a pepe outfit. VERY unfrenly.

thats awful, wtf. does anyone have the link to this thread?

I hate chapo too, so here's a list of delusional shit they said about Felix (YOU WON'T BELIEVE NO.3!)












What in the fuck was violent about those comments? Also, what did they say that you don’t? All the time?

Fuck off chapo child abuse enabler

Chapo: how am I a child abuser? Fren: REEEEEEE CHILD ABUSER

Chapo: I want to violently assault children for having a cartoon frog shirt

"How am i a child abuse advocate?"

Okay buddy you still have yet to show me which comment here is advocating for the abuse of this child. You literally just proved my point. Again.

Just look at the image lol

Did you click on the picture? Read the comments in the picture.

Either that guy can’t read or he’s a dishonest Chapo user. I think it’s both.


Poor little dude. He was frenly

I feel honored that my post made it onto here. You’re all fuckin losers lmao

Isn't this considered doxxing? If this happened on a sub like ours it would have been quarantined within minutes.

he looks like a slave owner to me

I'm on the new one and it's all ironic apparently but what is this first one about I've never really been on ether of them

Zoomer troll = best troll. Silly dirty commies.

These are probably the same people who will whine about "edgelords"

Wishing assault on a fucking kid is infinitely edgier than saying any slur lmao. Subhuman pieces of filth

lmao nice



Poor young fren

Maybe don’t be a fucking loser? His dad must suck

child abuse chapo

Fuck chapotraphouse very much

Not supriesed considering what sub it is

This'll get buried, but what is chapotraphouse? I've seen it referenced across various subs and it seems like a very vile place. So much so that I don't even want to visit it just to check it out.

Hopefully one of my frens will explain it to me.

Communist subreddit

lol milkshakes and jokes about stuffing nerds in lockers = COMMIES ARE ADVOCATING VIOLENT ASSAULT, CHAPO MUST BE STOPPED
you're wacky m8

its very normal and sane behavior to be this angry at a child


TIL "milkshaking" = violent assault. Chuds are the biggest fucking pussies

Lol you chapo psychos literally call to guillotine your boss you disingenuous pussy

Don’t get me wrong I’m a socialist and all for the downfall of capitalism (Lynch me) but damn that sub is a bit extreme. Talking about “mayocide” when 90% of the sub is white.

Cry me a fucking river

Lmao I posted that get fucked losers.


—Huge cock

How does it feel to be intimidated by a sad cartoon frog?

really I wanna know.

sad cartoon frog

You meant alt right dog whistle didn’t you?


—fucking HUGE cock

alt right dog whistle

are you one of those people who gets triggered by ok signs and people drinking milk now? lmao

doesn’t seem very cash money or big dick of you fam

!nwordcountbot u/FoxDieEeE

You are a bunch of sad kids holy shit

Wahhhhh Chapo trap house wahhhhh

Fuck off

Child abuse chapo

You pussies literally have memes on here dogwhistling the genocide of people.

wrong, child abuse chapo

It’s irony you moron. Not meant to be taken seriously lol.

literally 60% of chapos userbase is just r/fullcommunism refugees lmao you delusional retard, its an unironic tankie colony

You’re a loser for taking that shit serious. It’s just memes.

you're an unironic child abuse advocate, bye

The great replacement is a good thing. Change my mind

Child abuser chapo

Change my mind. As a Dutch man in a long term interracial relationship, explain to me why this is a bad thing.

if you want to get fucked in the ass by a black guy, its your choice my dude

It's a hetero relationship. So i assume you got nothing? I expected more honestly

I doubt it

Why would I be lying about that? Lol if it was a gay relationship I would say it. I'm bi, I dont give a shit. I'm trying to have a conversation with you about the great replacement theory, why it's not a real thing, and why even if it was it would be objectively a good thing but you're so weirdly paranoid that we cant even attempt to do so.

I dont care you fucking weirdo.

Calm down now. No need for name calling. This isn't kindergarten... wait I just remembered what subreddit I'm in, this is kindergarten. My bad for expecting adults amongst the baby speak.

Honestly this dude's insults are pathetic. Get fucked in the ass by black man? Don't threaten me with a good time dude

violently assaulting


Child abuse chapo

Child abuse


"Lmao chapo is a nonviolent leftist sub, btw i want to guillotine my boss its a joke xD"


The left is nobody’s fren

it'd be good and cool to hit him with a milkshake, frens

Begone, chapocel.



Yea, if it happened 2 years ago I feel like it would still be on the front page.

here.. take a downvote for your insolence.

Evil chapocel


wE oNlY pReTeNd tO bE rEtArDeD

Oh cool, you guys are the only ones with a pass to make dark jokes, nice.


Why didn’t you respond to the person you asked to elaborate? I’m confused fren, he sent you some links

I've never seen a post promoting bopping minorities.

Oh I guess that event speaks for all conservatives, huh? It's not possible that there is minority of nutcases that just got together

that's how you know they're real communists

Yeah black people Twitter is definitely responsible for 100% of the gang violence too

No, because exactly that would happen

People don't spend all day here and don't get butthurt over nonsense like some neurotic child

I'm making the point of how ridiculous it is. To be absolutely clear, I dunt support fixing it threatening children, and I don't think it can be passed of as a joke. In my personal experience the right used this excuse FAR more than the left.

Just because your crush said hi to you twice and she doesnt actually like you doesnt mean you have to take it out on us. Oh sorry, it's all CAPITALISM's fault for her not liking you?

meh, more just messing with my anarchist buddies.

Hmm, so anyways, what is up with this server, there seems to be somewhat of a strong right wing presence here. I really just want to know wtf this server is.

fun fact, teh morbidly obese woman acutally died of a heart attack!

its very normal and sane behavior to be this angry at a child

Did I say that?