Wow frens, time flies!

43  2019-05-26 by ExpertSurprise



Trayfren 2!



Dont u say that about trayfren! He good fren, he dindu nuffin wrong! He just want to go to clown college an get a degree an sheit!

No I thought you were being a little too nonfrenly. He did muffin wrong. I’m sorry for calling you nonfren

He was one of the fellas!

He was a good fren!

He and Mike b of frenerson woke me up to the nonfren question, so they're very good frens indeed!

Holy shit

Did same thing happen to u fren? Those events changed the attitude of many of my frens.

No I’m not walking around wondering about the j*wish question in 2019. That’s not normal or sane

Why are you talking about nosefrens? What do they have to do with this?

You brought them up?

Trayfren isnt a nosefren u silly clown

Then why are you bringing it up

Nosefrens are nonfrens, but not all nonfrens are nosefrens. Does that reely need expaining?

No it doesn’t. I know exactly what you mean. There is no confusion

Is he the lil fren from Africa on tv that I send a penny to a day to feed him?

Fren a response u sent me earlier was deleted an I was a scared u got bopped! Glad to see u still here!

But no, no Africa, he "frenerican" and you pay a incalculable nonfren tax to support him an his kind.

Thanks fren, they gave me a 3 day bop but I just got back

George Frennerman was framed.

Just look at him. How can anyone think this man is guilty. They even stalked his dating profile which said he wanted to grab coffee and cake pops.

not saying i’m anti 1 or 2a but come on, people only stand for the confederates because of slavery

Fuck that’s in bad taste

Are you saying he tastes bad, fren?

Y u eat Trayfren Martin? U some kind of carnie?

He wuz a good fren! Finna get his life back on track, gnome Saiyan?


Fren, its ok to remember deceased frens but unfeenly comments make me want to bop this subreddit.

What is a "despite" fren?

Yeah this totally isn’t a racist sub.

Hey fren u/SkynetJusticeWarri0r, I maed dis yesterday but you forgot to put in update you made to ur posts about me. Do you not like me or something anymore? Did I do something wrong?

Fuckin lol

He wasnt very frenly to George Zimmerfren

You brought them up?