Fren's, I think sleeping disorder.

35  2019-05-25 by Fren4329856


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It's all about keeping a skedule fren. Maybe start lifting so you tired when it comes to bedtime.

Just start taking massive amounts of SRIs, antipsychotics, and benzos fren! That's what my doctor did to me and I turned out just fine!! 🤡

Take melatonin pills fren! I take them two hrs before bed time, and I always sleep well! :) make sure to dissolve it under tongue! Insomnia isn’t very frenly...:(

No side effects except weird vivid dreams

Whoa fren! You look kinda really bad. Get some sleep, shower, and a balanced meal of tendis!

I had one too. When I was breathing too many burning brwn leafs. Find a way to put down the leafs. And stay hydrated.