Nonfrens, please read this

166  2019-05-25 by ilikeclaymores


We used to not be, then this sub went on trending and people thought using “fren” made them get the joke

i was first 10, mogged

Wish moor nonfrens wud reed dis

That's a very nice post fren!

Nonfrens are obsessed fren, there's nothing you can do. What are they so afraid of, that someone is going to start hard bopping people because of a joke? Fren, you can go to r/blackladies or r/ShitRedditSays for example and see them constantly talking about "becky" this and "wypipo" that and so on (funnily enough a lot of their parents are White, but they still seem to really dislike them). In fact on r/ShitRedditSays they constantly say that "whites should be genocided" and so on. Top nonfrens never post anything about those people, why? We don't think they're going to go out and start hard bopping people because they make some jokes! The nonfrens just want to demand everyone to think like them and they want us to what, go around and find other people to laugh at?

I don't like trying to ridicule and laugh at people fren! If that's the way of a topmind I'd rather be a fren mind :)




Nonfrens wouldn’t care, sadly. There is a...let’s call it an “infection,” where they see the world in “clusters” and judge based on a few. The infection fades with real life and/or discussion, but recently, the “infection” grew worse...

I’m unsure if they even know or care what a fren is.

"You've caught mono. The cure is a bullet to the head."


Hallelujah fren

Inb4 "frenworld admits blatant racism rampant in sub"



u/reddit_registrar Understand this?