Hello fellow friends! I am freNPC 14-889450 definitely not here from those topfriends of reddit. Sooo any good booping lately? When’s the next secret meeting for the not see group? I forgot the location and password so any information for me, a reliable friend, would be appreciated!

400  2019-05-25 by Anon14526


Do you want to be frens? :DDD

Don't know what you're talking about, fren.

Your face looks like it's falling off, fren, do you need a good dermatologist or some moisturizer? Surely a fren would not wear a mask. Masks are unfrenly.

Of course not friend..... it’s just..... e-e-eczema.... yeah... that!

Hmmm, you misspelled fren... be sure to turn of autocorrect, fren, those spelling mistakes are the worst

Of course fren! Certainly that’s what I meant

I have xma too fren

Forgive me friend... i mean fren, is asma one of our dog whistles?

Sometimes if my asma is really bad the neighbors dog looks at me funni

I KNEW IT! Wait until my friends at topminds hear about this!


Dogs whistling is a dogwhistle for dogwhistles.

*inaudible tweet*

Some frens wear masks. They think they’re too unfrenly to be a fren....

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

the secret not-see meetings are at adolf street 1488

Make sure to bring glasses fren

And your favourite flavour of juice

thank you for reminding me fren. i keep wearing my glasses but they still call me a not-see!

thanks for your misdirection, they’ll never find us at 1273 Rockefeller Street blasting nightcore and making slightly edgy jokes

Don’t know about not see fren I have 20/20. Password for fren meet is 123456 and username is fren. You seem nice, but remember don’t tell anyone.

not see meeting? there's no not see meeting here, fren. perhaps you meant to go to r/shitredditsays?

Yes of course, there are no not see meetings, but the not friends keep talking about notsees... so if there was one.... where would it be friend?

Not here notsees are not frenzy

I thought you could see past NPC disguise, fren? Can you not see?

Careful my frens, this seems like one of those non frendable characters.

Drats! You’ve seen through my top mind ruse!!

We could help you and your nonfrens with your rusing skills.

You tried your best and it was pretty weak. First thing is, commit to the character.

Wow gee you’d be willing to help me? Maybe you are frens after all!

There is no not-see meeting here fren, we are just here to make frens and post frenly memes. You should ask r/topmindsofreddit where the not-see meeting is as they are much more fooshast than us.

Haha, very funny my dearest fren. From where would you get inspiration to do such a post, I sure wonder...................

wait this is fishy frens. why is frens face falling off?

Just a skin tag friendo! I’m alright thanks for your concern!

Ok then, whats your frenly code?


Fren can i see your id?

If you are really a not see, where are your dark glasses and not see cane? Don't not see frens also have see doggie frens?

For the not see meeting you have to get a doctors not saying you're blind. Not that you'd be able to read it

Top minds banned me frens :(

Hello fellow friends frens


Yes, is what i said! Friends!

Also thank your top fren for putting me up on your sub! I feel honored! I’ve never had my own post on top frens before! It’s exciting! Thank you kind stranger

When top non frens brigades your post but it’s okay because you know you have lots of frens!

Make sure to bring glasses fren

thanks for your misdirection, they’ll never find us at 1273 Rockefeller Street blasting nightcore and making slightly edgy jokes