Just got back from a suspension only to find out that some of my frens didn’t make it back. I’m pouring one out for all my homies who didn’t survive the frenocide

163  2019-05-25 by WakaTXranger


This one’s for y’all: u/SONNENRADICAL, u/Take_The_Honk_Pill, u/Shoah-LaBeouf, u/The_Russian_Troll, and the unknown frens we lost as well. May your memories and sacrifices live on in frenworld forever


Oof, didnt realize they bopped Russian troll too.

RIP in pepperoni fren.

S0NNENRADICAL had a 0 instead of an O fren. You mentioned someone else entirely there.

Thanks fren, I fixed my mistake

stop frenocide! we have a right to exist!

Ethnic frensing**

welcome back fren!

f's to those lost in the frenicide, they will be with us in spirit... (and probably alt accounts)

Thanks fren.

I believe they have been reincarnated as new frens

Maybe we shout start an organization like the anti defrenation league or the southern poverty fren center to bully, intimate and bop those who try to frenocide us

Fren! I may over-analyze this or are you, perhaps, referring to something?

Never forget the 6 gorillion frens who got bopped in the frenocide



”This one is for all my fronies”




ill always remember your loss of frens fren

Thanks fren, I fixed my mistake

Thanks fren.

I believe they have been reincarnated as new frens