I hope everyone has a safe weekend. Here's to living our Frenliest lives!

2265  2019-05-25 by armaliteisforlovers


Looks like a NEET life fren!

G.B.P. > Wages

But what about inflation? Mummy owns a monopoly on the tendie industry and could starve us for our points if she wanted to.

Have you not been saving piss jugs for a potential mummy uprising?

Can you give me 1-2 sentence summary?

It's a short read about moving meditation. The author is a piano tuner (a job that is mindlessly boring) and walks the reader through how to focus on what you're doing. It's a meditation book but discusses meditation in very real and practical ways.

Wow fren, I really appreciate how much effort you put into that. Ive made a lot of those changes in my life already buy it would be great to learn more from someone who's put so much thought into it.

A lot of nice frens here


Sorry fren but it sounds like brainwashing

I understand why you might feel that way, but-

1, I obviously can't understand your entire mentality based on a single sentence in a meme subreddit, but be wary of willingly avoiding help. Again, I don't know about your specific situation, but I very very often see depressed people who ignore/dismiss/disregard valid help.

2, does it matter if it is brain washing, if it works?

3, how can you know that it is brain washing?

Developing discipline

Can you just summarize it for me in as few words as possible

I meant like what's it about, but I see you what you're saying.

Fren, do you really buy books from amazon when you can get them for free on libgen.io ?

I used to be a big pirate fren, but I started trying to life the ethical life and finally decided I had to give it up! There are lots of free resources online though and there's always the library too fren. But yes that is a good resource I used to get lots of books from there :)

this meme never get old fren, modern life sucks

Shouldn't you be busy consuming?


Don’t ask questions fren! Consume product and then get excited for new product!

But new product looks same as old product but with a higher number and and X at end???

You’re asking questions! That’s the first thing NOT to do!!

My bad. How bout we both start a "hobby" that's actually just about buying shit.

Already ahead of you fren! Jamal made fun of my closet of Funko Pops but I can’t wait to see the look on his face when they become ultra-valuable in a couple of years

i grow mescaline frens

Then you can finally pay off those credit cards and utility bills he opened in your name.

I hear there's a service where they just mail you random shit every month, so you don't even have to decide what to buy!

When you phrase it like that it sounds even more ridiculous than it is.

Based and anti-capitalism pilled

This is gamer frens as soon as the semester is over. Just remember to drink plenty of water and get some exercise, frens.


F for water frens.


Do any of you guys play Xbox? I got home from school last week and would like to play with a party of frens if anyone is down

What are you currently playing, fren? I like all types of games for the most part, but tend to only do 1 or 2 at a time. Right now I'm liking Tropico and Elite Dangerous. Maybe a dab of mortal kombat as well

Might pick mortal up. World of tanks Star Wars and fortnite though mostly

Well I'm Baby Washer on xbox, maybe we will click soon! I have a wife and an 8 month old baby, so I'm not on as much as I used to be.

Congratulations fren! Baby frens are the best :)

She really is. My baby fren loves to laugh and eat pickles. She is the most fun I've ever had.

I’m honestly very jealous. I’m 19 but I can’t wait to have my own. God bless man I mean it raise her right the right way

Don't waste your life fren, you only have one

Naw fren, this isn't how i live. Just a meme.

Good fren!

Ur right fren, I will go apply at a call center and work 40 hours a week to enjoy life

Probably means more like going outside, exercising, reading, making art, picking up skills, socializing, etc. :) If you have time to kill you should be productive with it! Having a job is important too though!

How is any of that objectively more “productive” than video games?

Because all of those things help to better oneself and video games don’t

Fren, I think you may have peed your pants.

Um.....no...... someone else must have put that there. (˘・_・˘)

Pocket choklet

Thank you for giving me a new phrase to say, fren

You nasty.

This is amazing fren

You're amazing fren.

7 PM

Doing Jojo references, you have a good routine fren

Oh, you're approaching me fren? Instead of being disgusted at who I am you're coming right to me?

I can't bop you without getting closer.

Then please come as close as you like, dear Fren

this is my life minus the shitting of the pants

Then you ain't really livin' son.

This is my life minus the shower


Classic soon frens don’t let the normal frens distract you!

wtf fren did you just describe me

That flashing red light you keep thinking you see in the tree outside your window?

That's me.


Looking pretty thicc fren 👌

Hello fren! At 5pm what is fren holding?

... nothing...

Fren... is it an illegal bop puffer🤔

I guess that depends on where you live.


The pants are a nice touch fren.

Thanks fren! I've had bad touches on my pants before and trust me, they're way worse.

Bad touch is from nonfren. Bop them!

I've lived the dream before. Its actually pretty nice relatively speaking, though not super happy and rewarding obviously. Just go easy on the alcohol and get some exercise.

Is this a frenfren reference?

Fren has tiny butt cheeks

Small butts are a know commodity amongst green folks.

I miss this fren now I work 5-6 days a week :(

Me too, fren. Mommy made me choose wages over GBP.

fren u need to have time to eat tendies or else youll never live a frenly life!!

I wish I could game with frens but I work all weekend

May I please have a pic of the 7PM one fren?

Thats degenerate fren!

Tbh if it wouldnt count as "weird" to do sword fighting these days id propably train sword fighting all day.

Looks like you have a disorver fren

the culture war needs its neet warriors fren

this was me last summer fren! i had a great wime my frens try it out!

Cute ^


working night shifts makes you wish for a nuclear winter

remebber to drink water/choccy milk and eat tendies in between gaming fren!

Because all of those things help to better oneself and video games don’t