I got rejected by a cute Ukrainian girl today frens :(

799  2019-05-25 by _A_Pancake_


It’s ok fren you don’t need them

You have all us!

Well done for trying

we all have been rejected fren

Ask Putin for help, fren

Takes courage to try, fren. Proud of you. Also if you aren’t Ukrainian yourself, it might often be difficult to communicate emotions properly to someone of different culture and temperament. Maybe you’re from a more soft culture as myself? The right one will probably show you the patience to learn her ways, and vice versa. Cross cultural relations are difficult.

Thank you fren

dont worry fren, theres always another eastern european girl around the corner

Especially in eastern Europe


holodomor intensifies

crying over a girl? Nah, fren, pick your head up, your diamond helmet is falling

Helmet? This King should have a diamond crown.

This fren deserves full set of diamond armor

I still don't get the reference, fren. Please help


I know Frencraft, but is the phrase "Crying over a girl? Nah (noun), pick your head up. Your diamond helmet is falling" a reference?

IDK fren :(

Same here fren. Can we get a frenxpert here?

It wasn't originally a Minecraft reference but someone made it a meme with Minecraft, my fren

Don’t worry fren Ukraine won’t even exist in 20 years


Lmao this

Seize her warm water port

Her peninsula

Dont worry fren. There Will be others. Besides she clearly weren't the right one! Never stop trying fren, it's only when you stop trying you truly lose

The fact that you asked her out, despite knowing she may reject you is proof of your authenticity, fren.

That's what's supposed to happen...you talk to all the cute girls, some reject you, you reject some and then one day you'll find a cute girl who wants to be your fren and you want to be her fren and then you're boyfren and girlfren. Then you have family and be my neighbors ok fren?

It’s alright fren, there are always bigger fish in the sea!

Why did she do this to you.

its alright fren theres plenty of fish in the sea

It's ok fren, most of the time people get rejected, but it only takes one non rejection for a fren!

Where are you from fren

Dating Soviet girls is hard fren, way different emotional expectations. Good luck!

Nearly married into a rich Ukranian family. I can't speak for all of them, but Holy shit were these people arrogant, uneducated and elitist. I'm a blue collar man making great money in the trades, and when I first met my ex's parents, her dad asked me why I didn't become a "Doctor or lawyer". Yikes.

I've dated three Russian/Ukrainian women, due to living in an area and being born at a time where people with kids really wanted to leave the USSR, and I've found that they're weirdly materialistic. I don't know if that comes from being raised in a place where you had to fight for every little luxury, but if you don't have a good job, a good house, a good car, and buy her lots of shit, she isn't interested. Eastern European women are basically the archetypical gold diggers.

On the other hand, my neighbours are Russian, and I don't know if it's a different generation, but they're great people.

Soviet freezer.

Eastern europe is more conservative than west europe and their people are more materialist.

Communism didnt work out

Wasn't real comminism though, right? Right?

It's okay fren, there are too many cute girls out there to count. You'll find your dream girlfren :)

who needs em when you have frens like us, fren

Well done for trying fren. I did the same, also got rejected.

Be happy because she was honest with you. It's way better than being played with.

Every time you put yourself out there and make an attempt, win or lose, your game gets better and your chances of getting some next time improve.

Don’t let it get you down fren, keep at it.

rejection is a part of life, fren. I hope you will be ok fren we are here for you

Очень плохо :(

many frens in the sea

Upgrade to Russian girl fren

She doesn't deserve a fren like you

Don’t worry, Russia got on the case November 25th

Don't worry fren, this is good, the next time won't be as bad thanks to this experience :)

I think, I've never actually asked anyone out so I'm assuming.

Fren you braver than me, I am too scared to ask out gril fren.

Если вы говорите по-русски, ты можешь трахнуть всю киску.


Go for a walk and clear your head and you'l feel better, fren.

Are you Russian? You might b invading her personal space

Hey at least you tried fren.

Because you and everybody here are fucking degenerates?

I luv u more then any girl ever will, fren. 🐸 ❤️