Just got a job as a nuclear technician at Frenobyl, frens. wish me luck!

2861  2019-05-25 by Bacon_timeGO


Just like fren Homer Simpson! Wow, big bucks fren!


Wow fren. Nuclear technicians earn alot!

Tendies for days, fren

It'd be a shame if SOMETHING WRONG HAPPENed. Nah you'll be fine.

RBMK freactors doesn't explode

3.6 rodkens, probably just the feedwater fren

You didn’t see any chunks of graphite on the ground fren

Fren, why is air glowing?

Stay away from reactor 4

why fren? nothing bad can happen

Yes fren. Nuclear is future!

And the future is nuclear!

sometimes i get butter on the controls from all the microwave popcorn

That’s ok fren. Just make sure you clean it up for the night shift fren.

Yes, as we all know, it is impossible for superior Soviet RBMK reactor to self-bop, frens!

Fren, i already told you there’s nothing wrong with the reactor. Now plz go look into it

no worries fren. comrade dyatlov says theres only 3.6 roentgen in there :)

Be Cher to be very nobyl on the job fren!

Fren, don’t do the emergency shutdown test! FREN LISTEN TO ME ! Many frens will die :(((((((

This fren iz deluzional, bring him to the INFRENMERY!

3.6 Tndz. Not great. Not terrible.

It’s at over 2000 tendies 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

Don’t push AZ-5 fren.

but fren what if they have a power surge they will have to press the AZ-5 button to reduce power.

Are you sure that your fren in the back needs the hammer?

The hammer is for reattaching all those split atoms.

solving frenclear waste the fren way.

When two frens work together they'll never fall out!

That's a nice pun fren.

Thanks fren! I'm thinking of doing standup fren but I'm scared I'll bomb fren.

Don't worry fren,you have frens by your side,even if you bomb remember that no fren is perfect and only practice brings perfection fren.:).

Fren just went nuclear with that joke!

I was so stressed out I almost had a meltdown!

Oh man I’m radiating laughter right now

Thanks I was fission for compliments!

You really proton a show fren!

Entertaining frens is at the core of my personality

I knew you were gamma say that

Oh! Good luck on the upcoming test fren!

Hey fren! No bopping zone!

Oy vey

tri to overclock it an see what eppen

Don’t press the AZ-5 button fren it’s a trap

Wait but didn't Frenobyl explode a long time ago?

A frhost maybe?

Did this poor fren die?

The Frendela Effect

Make sure when you run your experiment you shut down all the safety mechanisms

Remember: dont cook your tenders in the nuclear reactor! You can get very sick.

Remember only delusional nonfrens talk about graphite.

Real frens know it's just burning concrete.

Fren with hammer is scaring me


Make sure to call the fire brigade if a roof catches fire fren!

Prepare to get banned


I get what you guys are trying to do, ironically everyone does lol, my only question is why? I get you guys don’t wanna be banned, but the whole playing stupid thing kinda gets unfunny after awhile. It’s like telling the same knock knock joke over and over

Quiet nonfren

Who said I was a non fren? Because I pointed out the truth? Pretty ironic again since I thought you guys hated people like that

I have another question. Why are you guys so scared of getting banned? I don’t get why you’d wanna be somewhere full of negative people. Because even if you agree with everyone’s beliefs here, negativity is still never good for you. It’s why I unsubbed from the Fortnite Circlejerk sub lmao. And echo chamber negativity is the worst, it’ll turn you into a weird person without you even realizing it lol

I know you guys will deny that, but look at rednecks. Why are they like that and why don’t they realize how silly they look? Because they’re surrounded by other rednecks. Same applies here. It’s 10x easier to never change or see reality when everyone around you is just like you.

I’m not saying your guys’ beliefs are wrong or right, just saying even if they were wrong you’d never be able to know. Idk about you guys but that scares me. The fact I could be doing or saying something completely stupid/harmful/whatever and not even realize it because my brain has begun to consider it normal

This sub is literally about bein frenly and you're complaining about negativity... then entire frenworld meme comes from living in a world so full of clowns that it basically requires everyone to become nihilists, and then purposely choosing to reject that nihilism in order to appreciate the little things in life, even while the world burns around you... sowhat are you even talking about, dude?

The picture in this post is a Muslim terrorist joke...

Wtf do Muslim terrorists have to to with Chernobyl?

Quit playing stupid, they’re wearing a Muslim outfit lmao. You’re smarter than that

My bad, didn’t know they wore the same kinda hats. I don’t see how that makes me stupid though? A big portion of posts here are meant to subtly say negative things, why wouldn’t I assume the same about this one?

Dude, why are you even here? You clearly don't like the content. What exactly do you think you're accomplishing?

So you were fully ready to argue with me until you were at a loss for what to say lmao. Nice

No, I'm happy to argue with you, but it's like watching someone at a golf course complain about how much they hate golf.

Why did you come to the golf course if all you had to say is "I don't like golf"?

You're not saying anything particularly insightful; only that you don't like what's happening here. That's fine. You don't have to like everything.

Do you have something else to add?

Ok back to point 1 then. You said this sub is literally meant to be “frenly” and isn’t negative. You don’t actually think that do you? Everyone knows that’s not true

"Negative" is a relative term. If it makes people laugh, it isn't universally negative, now, is it?

What lol. That doesn’t even slightly make sense. You gotta be trolling now

no it's poking fun at the ussr since Reddit loves commies so fucking much

How in any way is it poking fun at the user? It’s Pepe in a Muslim outfit about to blow some shit up. Pretty straight forward and simple lol

lol you wrote all that and I didn't read it

What a badass. I bet you end phrases with “lol 😂😂😂😂” to convince people how little you care

lol 😂😂😂😂

lol 😂😂😂😂

What's your problem with this post? Y'all haters are ridiculous

I didn’t even mention the post? Just said the whole playing stupid thing you guys do 99% of the time stopped being funny because you guys do it 99% of the time


There are subs about far more mundane things. Complaining about this one thing ain't gonna fix shit

...reread your comment and then take a second to think of the point of this sub. Do you see where I’m going? You guys do just that. Act hateful when in reality you aren’t fixing anything, in fact this sub does the opposite of fix.

The only point of this sub is to be an echo chamber. It’s not like you guys are discussing anything, it’s just the same stuff repeated over and over. Obviously if you wanna sit in an echo chamber that’s on you, just pointing out it’s not healthy and it never is. Look at r/politics, just one big circlejerk. Correct?

we're not supposed to discuss things. This sub was supposed to be apolitical until r/TopMindsOfReddit came along. This sub was supposed to basically be r/RealBeesFakeTopHats but with Pepe. The whole reason for the hateful responses is because of people coming along and trying to ruin our childish fun.

I agree just stupid drawings of Pepe would be funny, but that’s not what this sub is half lol. I mean it’s like 2/3 that and 1/3 hate obvious hate

I'm just here to laugh at autistic frog memes

what is even wrong with this one this time fren

Good job free and I believe that you won’t blow everything up!


Best of luck fren! It will be a blast!

So many smart Frens here!


You forgot your hammer, fren

Push all the button fren

Don't forget to do a safety test, fren.

Fren, whatever happens , the core is blown! Don't go check it with your own eyes!

oh no 🤔



Push the big red button fren. It’ll send off a big firework show!


Y is bac frien boping the power contorls?

This may cause unfrienly issue!

have some boron and sand in a bucket.

keep an eye on the RMBK reactor fren!

I see franite frens

Careful with the hammer

Good luck fren! Don't push the red button!

i spent a 1000$ dollars?

fren be care ful fren i don want u to be hurt fren

did you really have to post this now people from r/againsthatesubreddits are going to call this sub a terrorist group because of this

Look out for the gamma radiation, unless you want to become the Frencredible Hulk!


Tell me Fren, how exactly does an RBMK reactor explode?

why fren? nothing bad can happen

That’s ok fren. Just make sure you clean it up for the night shift fren.

Fren, i already told you there’s nothing wrong with the reactor. Now plz go look into it

no worries fren. comrade dyatlov says theres only 3.6 roentgen in there :)

Quit playing stupid, they’re wearing a Muslim outfit lmao. You’re smarter than that