Frens i found this weird usb drive that makes me feel dizzy. I cant stop using it

440  2019-05-25 by sackblabbathrowaway


Bop it and forget it. Nonfrens want you hooked!

lol shut up retard


🚨🚨 degenerate alert 🚨🚨

You put drugs up your butthole and you're calling us retarded?

Not very frenly.


Careful fren. That might be an icky stick

Oh no fren! Better bop that real fast before you fall in with the nonfren crowd


i heard some frens use it to stop smoking? ive never smoked so maybe it gives my lungs superpowers

Unless you’re

a) ADHD b) already addicted to cigarettes c) going to become addicted to nicotine anyway

Don’t start juuling.

Is nicotine good if you have adhd?

Stimulants are the prescribed medicine, in general. Nicotine is a pretty good candidate because of the muscle relaxing effect

shut up nigger

In all seriousness, it did help me quit smoking after 7 failed attempts. It's still inconvenient, but it's better than a pack a day.

fren i fell for the juul fad even as a non cigarette smoker, I don't even like nicotine I just like smoking, i threw mine away after 5-6 pods because i knew i was gonna get hooked if i kept going

throw it in the trash buddy, respect your body and mind, don't do this to yourself

fren juul pods are big smokie company lastest atempt to kill u fren you should just get real one fren.

it causes autism like vaccines and runescape

literally false


That's a douche flute, fren. It's not good for you.

What is this a crossover episode

Too expensive

Don't fall for Juulish tricks fren.

fren throw it in the trash

Could be flakka fren, be careful

Fren,that’s Satan’s USB stick you’re using!!!

Fren I think that's ur remote and ur tendies are burning in the oven

No fren! Don't suck on the USB drive! It makes you dumb dumb and increases estrogen!

So I shouldn’t take vapes too self medicate my adhd?

Don’t suck on satans USB stick, fren!


Fren, listen to me. Best thing to do is just leave it in a ditch and forget about it, it will destroy you fren

Oh no fren, that no good! It’s no fun and hard to stop :(

voluntarily gassing yourself