I wrote a song for my frens! It goes like this: 🎶🎵nonfrens don’t understand! I gotta leave this place🎶 bop my hometown!🎵🎶🎵 my parents don’t get me🎶 maybe i’ll bop myself🎶🎵🎵 what do you guys think?

53  2019-05-25 by Anon14526


you really BOP my feels with ur poetry fren. what hurt you? :(

I met a girl a week ago and we dated for 3 whole days. I fell in love and she broke my heart :( i just wrote what i was feeling fren.

That’s unfrentunate

Breaking harts is some top mind tier unfrenlyness.

You gotta bop her fren. Or bop your feelins. Think with your tadpole and not your brain.

Nice going, needle dick

That’s not very frenly. As a fren I can overlook this rash unfrenly act

That’s mighty gracious of you. I’m impressed you can focus enough to type with this guy’s chopstick man meat all snug up your bleached aryan asshole

B-but... i’m not aryan? Notfrens just don’t get us.

Personally, get a face tat or two and sing this over a trap beat. Thats what younger frens would pay to see

Don't be so negative, fren. The bad times are only there to make you appreciate the good times more. Stay frenly!
