I'm in love, frens. I think I'm going to ask her to be my ladyfren for life.

111  2019-05-25 by HonkLoudandProud


becarefull fren, you migh get the big sad if she rejects you

hey fren, make sure you bring tendies to maintain her good girl form. She’ll surely be a fren for life

Thank you for the advice, fren. I'm trying to hard to take notes from everyone to be the fren she deserves.

don’t bring bbq instead of hunny mussy. It’s a quite unfrenly act that may break a ladyfrens hart

Be the best fren you deserve. Don’t put anyone before yourself fren. This is eternal wisdom fren

I'm so excited fren! You should go for it. Hopefully you'll be able to start a frenly family :)

Do your best fren, you may have many frens you love in your life but each one is a once in a lifetime experience

She'd be a fool to say no, fren

I sure hope so, fren.

Go fren! You can do it!

Hope it goes well fren, remember to make many cute little frenlings with her!

Good luck fren