I always try to be nice and frenly as possible but these guys are bring really rude. We just want tendies!

39  2019-05-24 by yeety_boi_88


Rofl. Talk about grasping for straws. Poor jobless top minds.

they are just looking for things now

14 nuggets in the bag and both hands on the clock are pointing at 8

They are actually serious?

Fren, their minds are too top for us lowly frens!

1488 is a white supermarket symbol apparently

white supermarket symbol

My sides

holy shit i never noticed it corrected to that lmao

Hahah, it's ok fren! We all make mistakes

Well it is

This goes beyond just looking for things. They need our help! A paranoid schizo fren is a fren in need

You deliberity cropped the image to leave out the comment below, which was the main point of the post, which had a dogwhistle about "impossibly efficient ovens". That's deceptive. Here the link if you don't believe me.

Are you saying that it takes time for tendies to be cooked

No I'm saying that the OP cropped out a comment by a Holocaust denier to prove his point and play the victim.

You guys really don’t understand shit posting huh?

You should expose this site next http://boards.4chan.org/pol/

Actually if u screenshot it doesn't fit the bottem part



Fren, their minds are too top for us lowly frens!

1488 is a white supermarket symbol apparently