Hi frens. I am going through a tough time and could really use some love.

213  2019-05-24 by fgriayh


I see how much you all support each other on your posts and it’s really cute. And that’s all I need now frens, someone to cheer me up!

Its all gon be okay fren, if you wan talk send me a message

Hope you get better fren.

Thank you fren

Times will get better fren, dont worry.

Thank you fren. I hope so.

Whats wrong fren?

I feel blue all the time fren. I eat too many trendies. I was going to be a doctor but now school is so hard, life is so hard. I just want to be frenly even for a small while :(

Well fren, nothing good in life comes easily, but if you stay focused, and determined, you'll suddenly find that you won't be blue anymore, and be helping frens with their health.

Be sure to set aside some time to be frenly while in school, too. It will help you be less blue.

Thank you fren. Medical school can be really tough!

Yes fren, but in time you will have lots of doll hairs to buy tendies for yourself and your family.

That’s true fren!

I believe in you fren, but you got to stay strong and take care of yourself. You can do this! :)

Wow :’) thanks fren. You guys are really frenly

Hang in there, fren. Life is hard but that's how we grow. Not everything goes according to plan, so roll with the punches and work on improving the things you can control and letting go of the rest.

Thank u fren. I appreciate it

Big hug fren. I hope you feel better soon.

I already feel better to have such frenly frens

we love u fren

I love you too frens


try to think of positive friends, positive things keeps the big sad away

Yes like posting here and being frenly!


Hello, fren! You're doing great. Not every frens plans work out and that's okay. Our path is never truly set, things show up and get in the way. All you need to do is handle those problems one at a time and do your best. Eventually, you'll get where you want to be or maybe even find somewhere else even better!

We love you, fren. No matter where you end up you'll always have a home with us.

Thanks so much, fren! Wise words and kind words too

You can make it through whatever is troubling u! I believe in u! Awoo

Dont worry fren! This too shall pass!

Thanks a lot!

Hab a hug, fren

Here have a orange arrow fren

Haha, thanks fren

Alright us frens stick together no matter what that’s what this place on a digital space is for its for each other

I <3 you fren, I hope your situatuon improves whatever it might be!

I love you fren, if you ever want some help my dms are open. I hope you get through these tough times fren!

You are never alone fren. The spirit of your frens is always with you. Your fren ancestors going back through the generations were much like you are today fren.

Not very frenly, fren. But it’s ok, Jesus says to love all frens

I love you 3000 fren

I also love fren world! is the most frenly place i found on reddit, hope you will work it out fren.

alt right dogwistle

am i doing this right frens?

You might be feeling down anon, but remember, normies quake at your dank memes.

Its all gon be okay fren, if you wan talk send me a message