Frens what do you think about what the media is doing to morrissey?

17  2019-05-24 by cosle


This charming fren is being poysecuted

This guy just can't win with the press. First they question and make fun of his sexuality: Then they pick on him for being vegan. Now it's his political leaning? Why can't people just listen to music and enjoy themselves?

Because politicians and parasites both begin with a P and end with the poorest suffering. fren.

Don’t care

Just jam out frens

Media will forever have shit to say about shit

Fair enough fren, to each his own. I’m just very annoyed that an idol of mines music is being banned for his recent political beliefs. when his music exists in a vacuum outside of said beliefs.

it's just one small shop in Wales though, right?

A very historic one, plus a train line or metro I can’t remember exactly but but his posters are being torn down.

a historic one that most people have never heard of before these headlines, and probably won't remember in a couple of weeks time. I wouldn't worry about it, he's unlikely to lose much sleep or money over this. just a shame that people feel they can discredit an artist for having an opinion.

who goes into record shops to buy albums any more, anyway? it's a bit niche.

Yeah that is a fair point, can’t think of anyone who goes to record shops apart from my grandad.