Hello so did you find the source of the Notre Dame fire? What do you mean that everyone forgot already? The last article was a month ago but I can’t find anything conclusive or new since then. Hello are you still there? Hello?

460  2019-05-24 by madviIIian


Don’t you remember fren? It was just a construction accident!





I read that it was caused by an Elyria outlet, is this true ?


Legitimately it is one of the theories of why it happened along with a stray cigarette. That being said, the guy who installed the electric components said he but triple redundancies along with the fact electrical fire are rare with out someone straight up fucking up and cigarettes usually ignite small portions of an area. Like you fall asleep with a smoke in your mouth and the chair catches fire. Take that as you will.

same week this church burning down happened a reported 136 churches across france burned down due to arson from "french citizens" its almost guranteeded this wasnt an accident

Fren this survived multiple world wars and a time when there was no electricity and everything was lit by open flame...

It sounds suspicious fren...


nonfrens did this

Fren can you clear something up?

Is nonfren of nonfren my fren?

Everyone is a fren except nonfrens

700 years cultural heritage and it is forgotten.

Oh and we still don't know what happened to the Vegas shooting

About the Las Vegas shooter:

She said she heard him and a companion discussing the 25th anniversary of the Ruby Ridge standoff and the Waco siege.

She says she heard him and his companion saying that courtroom flags with golden fringes are not real flags. The belief that gold-fringed flags are those of a foreign jurisdiction, or “admiralty flags”, is characteristic of so-called “sovereign citizens”, who believe, among other things, that the current US government, and its laws, are illegitimate.

Another man, himself currently in jail, says he met Paddock three weeks before the shooting for an abortive firearms transaction, in the carpark of a Bass Pro Shop. The man was selling schematic diagrams for an auto sear, a device that would convert semi-automatic weapons to full automatic fire. Paddock asked him to make the device for him, and the man refused.

At this point Paddock launched into a rant about “anti-government stuff … Fema camps”. Paddock said that the evacuation of people by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) after Hurricane Katrina was a a “dry run for law enforcement and military to start kickin’ down doors and ... confiscating guns”.

“Somebody has to wake up the American public and get them to arm themselves,” the man says Paddock told him. “Sometimes sacrifices have to be made.”

This is a federal agent’s idea of what a conspiracy boomer believes, like how the colorado theater shooter’s journals are a federal agent’s idea of what it’s like to be a schizo going through an existential crisis.

Came here to say the same.

Sovcits are terrorists


The Las Vegas shooter allegedly believed fringe alt-right conspiracies which may have lead to the attack.

Fears of FEMA declined in the early 2000s as foreign terrorists were perceived as the major threat but the late-2000s recession and the election of Barack Obama had renewed opposition among conservatives to the federal government. Obama's election also enabled the theory to reach more mainstream right-wing circles whereas it had previously been confined to the fringes. There was a resurgence in the militia movement and with it a resurgence of the FEMA camps conspiracy theory[9] and a corresponding boom in the "prepper" economy.[19]

With the end of Obama's presidency and the 2016 election approaching conspiracy theories (including the FEMA death camp idea) were heavily promoted by many on the right, from Alex Jones to Donald Trump.[26]


Just frenly constushion prollems fren. Don’t worry bout it

I think they hung up, fren.

and notre dame fire was on the first day of holy week

And it was burnt at the same day palestine got bombed by longnose, what point are you trying to make?


Frens, there are honkers in every group of people. Don't start pointing fingers at the moo slams just because a couple of them are clowns, fren.

You do not understand what clowns are. Clowns are not the agents of destruction, they only stand on the side to point and laugh at the absurdities of our society.

Thank you for the reminder, fren. I'll fix my comment.

Maybe some people did something? But nobody tells us frens... :(

Preposterous idea! Off to jail with you!


Holy shit I completely forgot about notre dam, how? I was so angry about it. I haven’t heard anything in a while, just left comedians making jokes and people on the internet comparing it to other tragedies that they think were more important.

Yo autismo, fire investigations take longer than a month or two. This is sub is literally altright mixed with conspiracy, bunch of fucking idiots lmao. The lingo you guys use is so inconspicuous too!

Nonfren locked, prepare for bopping


Full autism lmao, fucking retards holy shit

Request additional fren support, focus all BOPPERS

I got my bop stick i’ll Lay down some covering fire fren.

Go away, TuMOR

Such inconspicuous language! Wow you guys really are so smart. Did you know fire investigations take longer than a month? Or did you guys just never get any kind of education to be able to process logical thoughts and blame your own shortcomings on Muslims?

No they don’t. It’s really not hard with modern technology based on heat patterns.

Lol what? Are you fucking kidding me? Official investigations take time, you literally have to know all of the details and interview a lot of people, combine those stories and build a timeline. You guys are up in arms when they release their reasoning within days but since it doesn’t involve Muslims, it’s not valid. You also realize a lot of the history in that church was still saved and here today?

Huh. Maybe. When my grandfathers estate burnt down in 2005, they had the cause within the day. That probably doesn’t scale to the sheer size of ND. Honestly, this was a shitty meme.

And the “subtle” stuff was never a thing, you Top Minds made up stuff, like “fren” means Far Right Ethno-Nationalist.

You guys are literally just alt right lol, are you trying to deny that? I’m not a “top mind” lmao, never claimed to be. You guys are just mad to can’t outright be a hate group. I’m not talking about the initialism, just “non fren” and the “tumor” shit, y’all are sad af

Not saying we aren’t, there’s definitely some here. However, we aren’t a “hate group”

And t_d started out as a troll shitposting sub too lmao. You guys are a hate group, just because it’s “shitposting” doesn’t mean it isn’t a hate group lmao, so delusional

Sure man, we’re a hate group for question the legitimacy of certain events and using frog cartoons.

Saying it was “nonfrens” and dismissing and automatically downvoting anything that goes against what you believe. You’re literally referring to Muslims as the cause of attack with zero basis. Try to simplify it down but it really is clear as ever. You’re pushing misinformation based on nothing and only “oh was that actually said” as if it wasnt a main focus of every news story at the time. You are all tragic.

I don’t downvote, nor did I say it was “nonfrens”. I just like to question stuff. Maybe it wasn’t, but things are kinda coincidental.


I know you are but what are we?

Nonfren just jealous of frens having frens.

Non frens burnt the cathedral and you are protecting them. Theyd cut your head off and you'd excuse them because of your bigotry of low expectations. SAD NONFREN GONNA BE SAD AND LONELY.

I'm just gonna tell you to fuck off you twat

I downvoted you but who cares?

Y’all are tragic as hell

I'm pretty sure you are literally the only person to insinuate that it was Muslims in this entire thread so far.

Ah yes not gonna mention the people talking about that fact that it was on a Muslim holiday and “nonfrens”, full autismo

You're not being downvoted for saying anything against what the people of this sub believe, you're being downvoted for being a massive twat

Yes i am lmao, y’all are a bunch of hivemind retards

If nearly every terror attack was committed by brown Muslims and they killed so many innocent people over the last years (youngest event Sri Lanka = 300 people dead) then it's only normal to think it was Muslims again because they fucking hate everyone and want to kill all of us. And liberal self hating losers like you want to replace the white race anyway.

Oof talk about projecting. Imagine being so delusional you think I want to replace my own race lmao, you’re fucking retarded. Have you ever met a Muslim? A lot of the Christians I know are very hateful and like to exclude those outside their firm beliefs, even if they aren’t being harmed. KYS and do the world a favor.

Yeah hundreds of people knew Muslims in Europe, they're now dead.

In Europe Christians and whites are peaceful, but these brown degenerate niggas killing everyone, just because you know some Muslims who are peaceful doesn't change the fact most Muslims kill over the world everyday, no Christian comes even NEAR the death toll the last years as Muslims. It's just disgusting. Europe without Muslims would be 100% peaceful because 100% of the terror attacks IN EUROPE in THE LAST YEARS was committed by brown Muslims.

Stop bringing hate to this sub.

The hate lives here, stop pretending you aren’t saying it’s Muslim who did this and keep pushing white supremacy ya fucktard

Hate lives in this sub dumbass

Looking at your comment history I can tell you're a very sad and hateful person. That's not what this sub is for. Please go somewhere else if you're going to constantly look for things to bash people for.

That’s cute. You’re over there telling people to kill themselves and you still think you can judge me, hilarious. Why even try to hide the white nationalism here? Why try to hide the fact that you’re pushing that Muslims did this here? It’s plain sight. If that’s not what this sub is for, then why let these people attack Muslims in such a way and push idiotic conspiracy theories? Report me and get me banned because otherwise I’ll keep repeating the same shit I’ve said, because this sub isn’t going to change. “Oh we’re just having fun xD” “this is a shitposting sub” yeah okay lmao. You guys really convinced me!!

what's your problem dickhead? we're just having fun, fuck off

Having fun lol, good way to put poorly trying to hide white supremacy and blaming Muslims for everything

If i remember correctly it was workers on a smoking break.


Twas an “””accident””” fren

They found cigarette butts, fren, didn't they?

frens how did they know right away it was a construcshun accident and not a nonfren? don’t they need to do a invesigashun?
