i designed a new belt to reduce trafic accidents by 45% frens

1051  2019-05-24 by OpenSVideoEditor


Frens should be able to talk though fren!

that's the joke fren

Ha i get it !


Hey can you tell braincels mod to unban me?

They don’t care what I think lol I’m a nobody

Look at my name ... im the OG ...


I thought you guys are frens

Not frens to incels


did... did you bop em fren? sniffs... he was scary, fren

good username. very frenly c:

Ikr! Frenlist of all!

oh, I thought it was for something else.

It's just a head belt, you don't want your girlfren to bop her head.

Poor ladyfren!

Wat he gave his grrlfren a second seat belt. Now she can't bop her forehead.

so frenly of him, he cares for his ladyfren

He's a frentleman through and through.

fren that doesn't sound very frenly, even if it is a joke

don't let the topunfrens see this :(

Is that a concern troll I see?

Concern troll?

Lots of them since the Great Brigade :( Coming in here saying unfrenly things all the time.

you can check my past posts, before joining frenworld, to see i'm not some RetardMind's Alt

I'm not talking about you fren, I'm talking to the guy I responded to. He seems very concerned about your post and what nonfrens might think, "even if it is a joke".

oh ok fren

no fren, i like frenworld but others may not take this as a joke

5 Day BOP for concern trolling

They take nothing from here as a joke fren, it's all notsee propaganda to them

Frens shouldn’t backseat drive

Where can I get one fren

it's still a prototype fren, but i think it will reach the market in a few years

Thank you for your huge contribution to traffic safety very frenly of you

thanks fren, traffic safety is important

Lmaoo tht’s a good one fren! Can i get to test prototype plz??

i will send you a prototype, just give me your adress (don't doxs yourself fren)

No problemo fren! It’s 1377 coolfren rd AZ

how does she like her new belt fren?

she is not complaining so i think she is fine fren

good news. sounds humane. good luck fren

thansk fren

If she complains at home give her another belt fren that will do

lol fren

Good thing I found one. I wanted to go to sleep anyway.

this is vry unfrenly

safety first fren

Fren you dropped some vowels!

Oh thank you fren

Safety > frenliness

Oh this is to protect your frens braces right? That's nice of you fren :)

braces can hurt your mouth in accidents, that's why its important to protect them

That's very considerate fren!

Just put her in the trunk that's what I do.

don't forget plastic bubble, to protect the ladyfren

Well frens, this sub was nice while it lasted :(


Yay nonfren BOP'D thank you based modfren

I actually had an ex freak out at me while we were driving on the freeway. Started straight up assaulting me, throwing punches at my face left and right and screaming like a banshee while I'm doing fucking 80.

Like what was the fucking plan there? If I had crashed she probably would've died seeing as my passenger airbag didn't work (fortunately mine did though.)

Bitch was completely illogical. You don't assault the driver, it's just not a good idea.

my invention would had prevented this almos accident

I would have pulled over and told her to either stop or get out

That's literally what I was trying to do. Like I said, I was weaving in between cars trying to get to an exit.

You can't just pull over in the middle of the freeway.

You don't have emergency lane?

Most freeways I've driven on don't have a lane to pull over. The highway has a shoulder but that's about all

What's the difference between highway and freeway? Cops pull people over on the shoulder of the highway all the time

As far as I know, the free way is essentially where the highway goes through the city, where it has more limited space. On the freeway the shoulders I've seen are usually only 2 feet max

Cops pull people over on the shoulder of the freeway all the time. In my city there is maybe a two mile stretch of freeway that you can't pull over on and probably hundreds of miles of freeway where you can. Do you live in the US?

Lmao y’all a bunch of psychos

what? it's important to not distract the driver while he drives

males shouldn't be allowed to drive xxx

nobody should be


based ad kazinskypilled

i dont like to use this unfrenly word, but youre retarded


Anyone with sub 115 IQ shouldn't be allowed to drive.

sometimes ladyfrens need to be quiet.

This is so under-voted / under-appreciated

it was a lot of work to develope this desing fren

This is so funny fren. I wish I could upvote it six million times :)

thanks fren, but some frens don't have sense of humour

Don't forget a fren without a sense of humor is a nonfren

sense of humour > all

Sorry but after this, ima have to head out bud

comeon fren, it's just a joke

Surely you've seen the same meme in a different format. Was it a problem when r('nt)/funny posted it?

Yea I thought this was just a wholesome sub. If I see more post like this make it to the front page I’ll follow you out


It’s never been

Very smart, fren. Safety first!

thanks fren i want people to be safe

Hmmmm fren I wonder where you got the figure 45% from 🤔


8+19+20 = 45


thats not very frenly

i don't want the lady fren to bop her head

why not get a helmet fren? it can look stylish

the belt is cheaper fren

but not as cheap as a big flofy pillow

Such a wholesome fren.

Boomer time

we're not misogynistic incels frens. girlfrens make up half of our precious species and must be welcome here.

you sound like a white kinght fren

your post belongs in braincels fren.

you have no sense of humour fren

this is mgtow/incel humor fren, not everyfren finds it funny.

humour is humour fren

Not if you have to be misogynistic to find it funny, FREN

on't be a white knight fren

🚨 Here comes the jokes police! 🚨

incels kill subs fren.

Is she wearing her tiddy bear fren?

would be weird if she wasen't wearing

out of character but dude please delete this before the virgin neck beards who jack off to hentai see this and go crazy over it, acting like we’re "nazi’s"

don't be afraid fren, i'm also neckbeard who like hentai

Don't let fear of what they think control you

To all the people that thinks this is sexist

clears thoat



That’s not very frenly, all frens should be able to talk!!

safety in first place fren


bashing people ins unfrenly

Wat he gave his grrlfren a second seat belt. Now she can't bop her forehead.

so frenly of him, he cares for his ladyfren