Hey Frens! I just erased 70% of extremist murders! All I had to do was snap white supremacists!

10  2019-05-24 by YourComradeCastro


Unfortunately after checking your post history you appear to be a communist and political extremist and have implied you've just killed yourself


Get some help

Aww, did fren break character?

I'm not a fren, but the enemy of my enemy is always a fren

Like that spider I had to save from the ant invasion of 2019

He was my fren for a day, but he gets the bugspray if I see him again

Well that’s tuff


Even a left wing extremist in there, damn


The vast majority of terrorism in america is committed by right wing extremists

Let me guess - your source is the ADL report that lists a bunch of non-political crimes by right-wingers as hate crimes?

Uhh no, it's the Global Terrorism Index's 2018 report.

I've just skimmed it because I can't be assed reading the whole thing so I could be wrong, but on page 45 it states that in North America there were 85 deaths caused by terrorism in 2017. On page 47 it states that 16 of those deaths were by far-right extremists. Not exactly a majority.

That's a shifting of the goalpost. I said terrorism, now you're saying deaths by terrorism

Fren, why does your face look odd?

Lol u silly clown! Those juked stats dont fool anyone but nonfrens

Comrade Castro was no fren, OP

In the United States fren. Rest of the world is different


Castro was a non-fren, fren.

Is... is this the power of Communist autism?

70% of extremists white people my sides

Do you even live on earth fren?

Now THIS is a quality post.

The right can't math lol.


Imagine believing the SPLC lies.