You know what time it is, frens? Its tendie time! Free tendies for everyone!

177  2019-05-24 by Skankhunt-88


Time to heat up the ovens fren, our new ones are impossibly efficient so we should have tons of tendies ready in no time!

Yes I read about those. I hear they have a metal door that seals all the way shut to trap in heat. Such luxury.

Of course the door is made of metal, fren! Can you imagine trapping something with a wooden door? Only dum-dums could possibly believe in something like that haha.

Well I do have a really big oven, but it's not much good for cooking tendies. Mostly I just use it for taking showers; although it does come with a handy grill.


Dude what's the point of hiding your bigotry behind these silly memes people aren't stupid they know what this subreddit is so just come out and fucking say it you fucking furry Nazi, stupid motherfucker you know Hitler would of found furries as degenerates and you would be killed instantly so what the fuck is wrong with you

It's hilarious what they try to read into it.

You can’t fool me fren! Those are nuggos! Can I still have one?

Am I still a fren if I prefer nuggies to tendies

Of course fren

I’ve been craving a pack of 14 tendies since 1965

Obvious plant


at 88 o clock I'll share my nuggos with my 14 frens

Fren, the clock reads 8:40 what are you talking about?

I can't count that high, sorry fren please forgive me

An honest mistake :)

Yay fren I eating love teddies with frens! Mom bought some dewy to we can all share it together.<3

Those are some nice stealth references fren.

What do you mean, fren?

Thank u so much fren! I will enjoy the tendies forever!!

only 14 nuggets? damn. i could eat 88 of them!


Far-right ethno-nationalists

No it's just a joke we promise

iTs jUsT A pRaNk bRo!


What do you mean, fren?

Of course fren