The “employed” folks over at tippy top minds and against hate subreddits are calling for me to get bopped, But I dindu nuffin.

196  2019-05-24 by WhenISayNYouSayIgger


...but did you then inform them that you dindu nuffin?

Going to church, making a mixtape.

Yes his mommy should also let them know that he was was on his way to chuuch to teach Braille to poor blind orphans.

That's all you can really do though. There's no third thing. :/

I don't know fren, but your name is clearly non frenly for me.

What's wrong with his name? Seems very frenly to me!

It's very nonfrenly towards Black frens, it's the worst word they can be called :(

Well for being “the worst word they can be called” they sure use it a lot...

Oh my god you’re sad

I’m actually pretty happy fren. I hope you are too.

You're right fren, everyone knows its a very unfrenly word it's a shame op and "ROUGH_RHINO_FISTING1" Are clearly not actually frens at all :/

Instead they come to frenworld after arguing in other subs and claim they're innocent frens.. What a real sad time.

Wow, fren! Where did you get such high dose of radiation? You glow very hard!

no, you are pretty unfrenly to frens of other sexual orientations and frens of color :( i just checked

“I looked at your post history” is non fren talk!

Quick, get the bopper!

It's pretty unfrenly of you to support racism and discrimination :(

Where did you get so much hate for people not like you fren :( all frens are frens to me

Which friens are not like him? I'm confused!

I know right, it's people like him that are non frens, trying to destroy fren world from the inside

Non frien spotted! Bop!

I gotta agree with him

Oh no! Why do these non frens hate you fren? Should we execute Operation 10D?

Shhhhh!! Don't let them know about OP 10D, fren!! :x

Oh uhm i mean uh nothing and no operation to see here nonfrens

What is operation 10D fren?

It’s the operation fren, you know “the operation”

watch them literally call their next frenworld false flag against them "10D"

I think I understand, fren. Is it an operation from green clover site?

10D is how we will make every non-fren into a fren

10D is like 9D but ten

It’s because we don’t eat soy fren, we like tendies and they don’t, I tell you they are jealous of our tendies

just ignores this no frens

Frick them nonfrens we didndu nuffin

Dindu nuffin, the meme against US Black people...

You guys at the IRA are clearly either underpaid or unqualified.

+15 roubles.

non frien spotted! Bop!


What's the IRA

Guy think it's some Russian memetic agency and we're Russian meme agents

That is so unbelievably retarded

Against black people? How? We didn't coin that phrase.

Lol this guy is Russian conspiracy nut






They hate us cuz they anus fren

Stay strong fren, the time of reckoning is nigh.

Stay safe fren

Sorry fren but I think your time is limited

All of you are pathetic

Says the fren who has “AssBallsCockDick” as a username, we just trying to be frenly and you non frens gotta be so mean :(


ok how old are you? all you do is fortnite lmao.

You’re target number 1 at the moment fren :( lay low and stay safe
