i’m making dinner for my frens tomorrow night!! i’m excited but nervous, i really hope they like the food

25  2019-05-24 by discountlettuce


Are you making them 'scetti and frenballs fren?

yes!! and cheesy garlic bread B)

I wan some too...plees fren?

come on over, fren! there will be plenty for everyone!

But i dunno where 😢

follow the smell, fren!

Yey! Like that toocan fren on the picture maker says!


Looks good fren. I shall take some home in my pocket.

Don't forget to line your pockets with a ziplock bag. That's a handy trick I learned :)

Oh I learned that the hard way. I didn't use a ziplock, and then I had stuff running down my leg from my side pockets and my back pockets. How embarrass.

take as much as you want fren!

What's your fave recipe fren? I like this guy. He's frenly!

ooooo tasty!!

How was your frenly dinner fren?

im having it tonight fren! i shall update you on the frenly dinner soon!

yæ! sgetty!