a sleeping fren

99  2019-05-24 by OpenSVideoEditor


user reports: 1: Fren Posts only, no off-topic discussions

They're already trying to perform an aboption on him.

should i delete this post?

If I thought it should have been deleted, I would have done it. It's a good post, fren.

thanks fren

Fucking gatekeepers



Poor fren might be bopped before his first post 😢

one in every five frens, get bopped before their first post fren.

Dawww that is a little baby fren not even hatched from the womb yet !!!

That is so cute. Fren looks so peaceful, but intense.

That fren is going to grow up to do great things.

let's just hope the little fren is not bopped

its not a 'clump of cells' its a fren!


nobody has the right to deny such frenlyness from the world

Nice peepee fren

hehe cute lil pecker

Fren looks cozy


Ha peepee

let's just hope the little fren is not bopped