"And so, my fellow frens: ask not what your fren can do for you — ask what you can do for your fren." - John Fren Kennedy -

180  2019-05-23 by IOTA_to_the_moon


He seemed like a frenly president! It's a shame the non frens got to him :(

They bopped his brains out

He supposedly was going to do a lot of frenly things and that is why the nonfrens killed him.

He was kind of a terrible president, most people just look back on him fondly because he was killer at an early age. Most of his 30 something months a president were filled with crisis and fiasco.

I don't know fren, if the non frens wanted to bop him I think it means that he was probably up to something frenly!

Bay of Pigs Disaster

Got beat down by Khrushchev at the Vienna Summit

Cuban missle crisis had the closest call of getting nuked yet

All that with out even talking about the descent into Vietnam and assassination of Vietnam’s President Diem on his watch (which may have been one of the two biggest mistakes of the entire war.)

I'm just saying he was bad at his job.

Missed opportunity to say John Frennedy

I will splinter the non frens into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.

