frensss.. i bought dumbbells, time to become a chad fren

52  2019-05-23 by HydeVDL


good luck fren, I'm sure you'll be /fit/ in no time. just make sure you don't poop your pants when you're lifting, it's very embarrassing

I'll be home fren, the only people that can get embarrassed are my 2 lovely kitty frens

Perfect, fren, just make sure you drink lots of water. Hydration is very important.

Don't worry fren, I browse r/waterniggas

My fren, you are very wise.

i just drank water fren

make sure to join r/HydroHomies as well fren

I follow both subreddits fren! I really love water! Fuck sodas and juices!

yes but instead of hating soda and juice drinkers we should be nice and slowly get them to drink more water

Hate the drink, not the drinker

preach fren

maybe we should add 1% of water in non water drinks until people don't even notice that they're drinking yummy water. what so you think fren?

that is actually a great idea but soda drinker's leaders are nonfrens and wouldn't allow it fren :(

fren.. it's time to break into their factories and put more water in their evil non-water drinks.

sometimes we have to do nonfrendier things to make the world a better place

it truly is our sacrifice fren

amen fren

Keep us safe frens

lookin' hench fren

Looking buff fren! But remember, the most important muscle is the heart <3

yess fren of course. i exercise my heart everyday!

preach fren