Deus Vult. I urge all the non-frens to repent before it’s too late

134  2019-05-23 by smokiefish


Good advice fren! I actually did earlier today. I'm going to try my best to stay frenly :) Sometimes you think, hey being a bit unfrenly will make you feel good, but no, it always ends up making me feel sad an unfrenly. I have to stop letting nonfrens tempt me! I'm gonna do it fren, I'm going to stay frenly! :)


Religion is a tired meme, fren


The time to repent is OVER

Vortiger is not a fren ): he pranks me too often

Once you get through the bad Vortifren isn't very threatening

I suppose you’re right fren. Shugoki and Cent are much much worse ): bop at all costs

Frenturion has had enouf bopping! Frengoki has some flaws I agree with that


Hey frens have any of you got this picture in higher quality? I really like it.

It is never too late. Our fren and saviour rejoices in the conversion of one sinner over a multitude of others.


I suppose you’re right fren. Shugoki and Cent are much much worse ): bop at all costs