Frens I don't feel so good I took a sip of my dad's monster and now all I want to do is mow lawns and listen to Led Zeppelin

1103  2019-05-23 by rw032697


Don’t make em like they use to, do they fren?

Fren, No! Don't siiiiiip!

only nonfrens don't like Led Zepplin.

led zeppelin fucking blows, just listen to all the black artists they stole their music from instead.


Don't say anything positive about black peo... I mean non friends. That's not tolerated in my safe space. Wahhh

Thats not very frenly

Stop trying to turn this sub into something it isn’t you nonfren retard.

That's not frenly

Neither is trying to get an innocent sub full of warm and frenly frens bopped

I don't think hateful dogwhistling is frnly, just my opinion

And here’s another example of your hateful and discriminatory behaviour.


Why are you doing this to us? Why are you making false allegations, discriminating against every single user of this sub, spreading your hate, clearly using far right buzzwords, and dedicating a whole account to attacking and trolling an innocent, politics-free, SAFE SPACE.

Honestly I didn't make this account to troll, I just never post. But I see the hateful retoric and dog whistling all over this sub. Not implying everyone does it, but it happens on this sub all the time.

You’re a liar. You know what you’re doing. Harassing us. Slandering. Making false accusations. It truly pains me to say this, but I don’t want to give any more chances at being frens with me.

Well ill leave you guys alone, but it's okay we can be frens because I'm white. I pass the test of being a fren already



Curiously enough, your only comments are on this same subreddit and your only posts seem to be very recent, this may mean that you created a throwaway account to slander this sub.


Thanks modfren!

You are quite welcome, fren.

name one that had their music "stolen" without using google


I think you got him with this one fren

There were a couple off of the first album that they didn’t credit the original artist in the track listing. Everyone was covering blues songs at the time tho, and they put enough of an original twist on it to make it their own that it’s hard to argue as “stealing” rather just another version.

I think Dazed and Confused comes to mind, but that was by Jake Holmes, a white guy.

It would’ve been nice if they credited the artists originally, after some lawsuits they decided to put them in the song credits.




A lot of their songs were covers of blues artists, that doesn’t diminishes Led Zeppelin’s talent though

In the early days like first album, sure they covered a lot of blues artists, but everyone was doing it at the time, it’s what essentially formed Blues Rock/Hard Rock. Once they established themselves they started creating much more original compositions, like Stairway for example.

Lol you’re trying to discredit an illustrious creative career with a few minor missteps, that’s funny

Cleary you’ve never read the “loop zoop” greentext

led zeppelin fucking blows, just listen to all the black artists they stole their music from instead.

U itching for a Boppin fren


Mowing the lawn is one of the frenliest feels a man can feel. I love mowing the lawn and listening to my record albums, by-gar!

t. 35 year old boomerfren

Also, trimming the hedge. Nothing looks better than a straight verge

TFW the weed whacker hits tall grass and goes PBTPBTBPTTBPTBTBTBT

heh, eeeyup. Nothing better on god's green flat earth siiiiip

eeeeeyup, siiiip ahhh.

Concur fren, makes me wanna mow to Led Zeppelin III

Fren crack sipp now that was a good drink

cracks open an immigrant song now that’s a good AAHHHAHHHHHHHAAHHHHHH

Looks like youre already mowing your own lawn from the looks of that hand

loop zoop

Fren who you are is fading away!!!

Thank you fren for reminding me, need to spray weed killer on lawn this weekend!


That's not so bad. There are worse music choices, fren.

When will you start remarking that Quake was a good game, fren?

Ah yes, from the ancient fren times

Was once fren is now boomer

I have never once associated Monster Energy with dads, mowing lawns, or Led Zeppelin...explain fren.

I'm sorry fren. The boomering has begun.

A new boomer fren!

Make sure to shoot some 1911s fren!!

Real Dads drink beer


Iron Maiden also afrendable

Skid Row too.

Hey fren, come on over, I have the grill fired up already. Some brats and burgers will fix what’s ailing you.

take a poopill you will poop the monster out and feel better

Thanks modfren!