Don't even try to bullpoop us non-frens HH

183  2019-05-23 by Furscist


RIP in peace r/Hulk_Hogan

Fren you had me thinking real fren hulk hogan died! I had to use nonfren google to confirm.

Hulkamania never dies, fren! Hulkamania will live forever!!

Fun fact fren: I was a server in a restaurant several years back and I waited on hulk hogan and his family.

Nice! Me an some frens were on vacation in Florida and ran into him at the gym and got pics, then saw him at the beach later. Didnt realize he lived there before we chose that beach but it made me very hapy!!

Was he frenly?

Very frenly! He gave me a big tip!

Honk honk brother


I love your doggo, fren 🙂



Sorry fren 😅 I didn't mean to goof.

comfy hot tub brother! run wild on all the non-frens - HH

HH frendo


Ohhhhh yeeeeahhhhh, brotherrrrrr!

Why did my comment that HH means Heil Hitler get deleted? I thought we were friends.

The $1million man

Dog fren