I just got my dream job, but I wasn’t 100% honest in the interview. Help me frens?

55  2019-05-23 by thezac2613


Fake it till you make it. It's a good sign for your career when you punch above your weightclass and persist.

I’m going from minimum wage to $90K+. I’m studying like mad, but idk if that’ll be enough.

What’s the job?

I’m obviously not going to say because I don’t want them to see this, but it’s in technology

The worst that can happen is that you get fired. Hell, then you'll find something else. Trust the people who employ you.

Thanks fren, wish me luck.

Good luck. 🍀

LOL. Unless it’s VERY specialized there are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of similar jobs.

That said, most people that work in technology are not as good as they think they are at it. Read up, take online courses, do everything you can to stay on top of your niche and work hard. You’ll be fine.

I got fired from my "dream job" for being 10000% honest. Tread softly fren, the nonfrens like to test us.

10000% honest

I see what you did there fren. You forgot people don't really want honesty, they want conformity with the conventional wisdom.

They want you dead

You, your children and everyone like you. No country for good frens. That's the goal.

We live in a clown society smh

Good for you fren getting dream job, play it cool and they will believe you and if u lied about having a skill then gain that skill and be a rich fren

Yeah, I’m studying know, trying to fill the knowledge gaps

Good luck fren

Thanks fren!

Tech fren here.

Fake it, fake it hard and you may make it. Otherwise save every bit of cash you possibly can and use that to improve you self through training etc so you no longer have to fake it.

Great thing about tech is that it’s just a case of learning, anyone could do it but you’re the fren who has / is so you get the job.

Good luck fren, remember to smile when you get to work. It’s exciting and you have the power to make positive change within your organisation, be proactive and don’t be afraid to ask for support.

Thank you!!


If its programming then you can relax a bit. It takes a at least a week or two til they set you up and you can always say you're not familiar with the IDE and shit lile that to justify your awkwardness. In my experience in tech people are more chill if you tell tell them you need another week before starting, and you'll make a good argument sounds like you're good at bullshitting, you'll have another week to study.

It’s okay to lie to corporate shills, Fren!

Just lie to cover up your lies, fren.

That doesn’t seem smart, fren

It cannot possibly fail.

I don’t believe you fren, do I need to bop you?

You could try, but it wouldn't end well, fren.

You gunna bop back?

If it's BOP or be BOPPED.

did you lie about your qualifications, your expactations or your personal abilities my fren?

My abilities. A few times, they asked do you know X and I said yes when in reality I don’t.

Then learn about X so you can do the basics and talk about it as if you know a lot about it.

It's partly their fault if they don't ask you to demonstrate the skill

Everyone lies in interviews, fren. Just hit the ground running and fake it til you make it

Remember fren, confidence is key! Heck you could even become a frensident on confidence alone!

The worst that can happen is that you get fired. Hell, then you'll find something else. Trust the people who employ you.

LOL. Unless it’s VERY specialized there are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of similar jobs.

That said, most people that work in technology are not as good as they think they are at it. Read up, take online courses, do everything you can to stay on top of your niche and work hard. You’ll be fine.