hi frens, i'm new here, i'm a big fan of the "fren" meme, and i collect them on a folder in my computer, they help me trough harsh times.

2739  2019-05-23 by OpenSVideoEditor


Welcome fren! Yeah they are very cozy :) I'm glad they help you out, they help me too!

the world is harsh, not physically but mentally, keeping your sanity in this unfren world is hard


giving your kitty scritches will help in hard times too , fren.

Be patient though that cat may have autism.

A special fren.

Matching hats :)

Hate sub omg

ok but i get to post this in the next thread

Yes fren we like to wear hats sometimes

Especially red ones, it seems.

And blue ones with white text!

The text is always white, Fren.

Sometimes it's black text fen

But it seems the ones that like the red hats really like the colour white.

White is a dominant colour on dark backgrounds, fren.

So white is dominant over darks? Hmm...

It is better that both colours on the hat stay distinct from one another, fren.

You're being pretty obvious, Fren. You should calm down and eat some tendies. I suggest to try them raw.

What's going on, big fren?

This guy just posioned my fren

Fren i am sensing negative energy from you. Perhaps you should eat some tendies with us :D

Its called color theory, fren

You're trying way too hard there Buddy


No that’s what you wanted to hear. Maybe you need put in as much energy hating this sub into something worth your time. Fuck face nonfren

that sounds unfrenly

we need to counter-fren the unfrenliness

your profile is unfrenly


but Anthrosi profile name say N****R

is it just for joke tho?

You hate this sub? Very unfrenly



Meant it as a sarcastic joke. Sorry fren

wow seems like someone hates when any other person has the SPOTLIGHT

That's not nice fren

You're a mean nonfren

I'm sorry fren. Meant it as a sarcastic joke. I'll try to be more frenly

Oh, then I'm sorry too, fren


Hi fren welcome if you need a fren to talk to during hard times lemmie know okay? :)

Same with me fren, you’ll always have people to talk to🙂

thanks for the support fren

Glad to be here for you fren :) and it doesn't just have to be during the hard times anytime you feel like talking just lemmie know

i like your boots fren

hey fren, im new too :) lets be frens! its been tough for me mentally too but frens are there for eachother :)


What is this place ? Wtf ? 😂

Welcome fren

I am 1000th upvote. Know that 1000 frens love u :)

thanks fren

Welcome Fren. I find this sub refreshingly wholesome. There's something really warm about bringing our froggy fren back from his not-see fanbase and making him something we can all celebrate again.

Hello and welcome, fren

thanls fren

No problem fren

Wait usually I can decipher the joke, but I’m missing it here could a fren explain?


theres is no joke, i just really like to archive frog pictures on my pc

Wait is the joke calling blue non-frens dumb dumb?

no there is no joke, it's just a cute autist frog post

I think this place is becoming new frens that unironically just like apu pictures on their own merit



Lol fuck out of my r/all you wacky alt right recruitment station


Bop has been issued.

So I’m not alone




Welcome fren!

I collect the reaction memes and keep them on a folder.

This sub is so frenly. Ty for having me.

Glad you're here fren! :)

I'm glad to be here, fren:3

Did you get autism from being an incel? Or are you an incel because of the autism?


I didn’t know this was an incel frenly sub. Or autism, for that matter. That leftie talk.

stop being mean fren, i'm just lonely

Not trying to be mean. But incel is a self-defeating ideology. A positive attitude and self-improvement is the way to go, fren.

you can't improve if the system is rigged

That’s not how frens think. Self pity is the libs.

you don't seem to be a fren of women, nonfren

why do you say that?

Yeah incels are terrible but I don't understand why you also bash on people with autism? They aren't the same.

Though it is extremely disturbing how frequently he is posting on r/braincels. Seems he is not a fren to women at all.


we love our autist frens

You should share the folder fren : )

i would but my hard drive had just broke


i'm sad fren

you aut to find a fren here fren!


stop being mean fren, i'm just lonely

Yeah incels are terrible but I don't understand why you also bash on people with autism? They aren't the same.

Though it is extremely disturbing how frequently he is posting on r/braincels. Seems he is not a fren to women at all.