The Green Death is here to protect you and bop any red non-frens

196  2019-05-22 by ava30


Fren wut habbened to your face?

One evening when bopping non-frens one of them hit me in the face with an explosive bullet.

Sorry fren I didnt know who you were but I just did my googles and I just want to say thank you for your service in protecting frenworld.

We, we will resist and bite...

Bit hard, cause we are all in sight...

Fren arnt you the top bopper in the history of bopping?

That's what they say but I just did what I had to to protect my frens and our frenworld.

thank you fren, a real fren risks it all for his frens and family and frenworld

Thank you for helping secure a future for frenliness

What's a bop?

You sound like a TopNonFren. Bop.

I'm not part of the club so I can't learn the lingo? That doesn't sound inclusive.

The reason we are such a nice place is because we only let frens into our frenworld and keep all the non-frens out.

You aren't being frenly now by being exclusive. I just want to know the lingo. If it ain't bad why hide it?

I just became fren yesterday, you can too. I love all my frens here and will sacrifice anything to keep away the nonfrens.

Yes I am. We have nothing to gain from being "inclusive" to topminds sneaking around here trying to cause trouble, trying to help you with whatever your sneaky plan is would be harmful to our frenworld and therefor unfrenly. Now go back to where you came from, shoo!

Being exclusive is a good thing

It's synonymous with having standards



You glow in the dark.

What does that even mean?

You are spooky government agent

Thank you Mr. Häyhä, you are a true fren!

Fren: Dad, did you have to kill any people in great war?

Dad: No son, no people. Only communists.

kill bop

communists nonfrens

Thank you for your frennice.

That’s impressive fren, you didn’t even use a scope when bopping.

That doesn't seem very frenly, fren :(

Bopping the nonfrens to secure a peaceful and epic frenworld is very frenly

Ebic :(

Pepe Häyhä!

Simo Apustaja