Sysadmin here - making PCs at work frenly again!

3639  2019-05-22 by TheRealForestElf


Hallo meine deutsche freund. (Sorry for bad german im dutch;))


arbite macht fren

Grün ist unser fren


ahw thank you frens :) it's a Ducky One out of my personal stock :) I needed to write quite a few documentations, that's why I brought a gud frenly keyboard :p

Guten tag mein freund.

*mein Freun

Ach scheisse tut mir leid

es ist okay. wir sind alles freunen, freun.

That keeb looks very friendly to your fingers, friend.

Hallo Freun :) wie geht dir Freun?

Heute nicht so gut - aber vielleicht wird es besser - wie geht es dir, Freun? :)

Heute geht es mir sehr gut, die Sonne scheint :) Es wird besser werden Freun, alles Gute :)

Genieße den Sonnenschein und geh' vor die Tür, Freun - Danke dir <3 Für dich auch nur die besten Wünsche, mein Freun-lein :)

zeg fren

Zeg vrien

looks very frenly, fren :)

Ooh, nice keyboard fren!

Deine Tatatur sieht gut aus, Freun.


using yikes unironically

quoting people unironically

being unfrenly unironically




No sir you may not steal my virginity!




Have sex

That red paper on ur pc says fap lol

That's short for Frens Are Pretty

Where did you find dis, fren?

here on this subreddit - great frenly people making great frenly wallpaper :) I just wanted to show it in action :p

Is it 1440p, fren?


flexible anti penetration - security boots whenever I need to look after stuff that's in the production halls :)

Hää, sowas gibt es in Deutschland? Ich will IT-Sicherheit studieren, kann ich da dan später villeicht arbeiten?

*dann, *vielleicht

Na mit der Rechtschreibung musst du vielleicht noch bisschen warten fren

Bin halb Ägypter, halb Deutscher, habe noch nie in Deutschland gelebt. Give me a break fren.

Entschuldige mein Unwissen fren, dafür das du noch nie hier gelebt hast ist dein Deutsch aber gut :)

War in einer Deutschen Schule, ich hab aber kaum Kommunikation hier weil es keine deutsche gibt.

Ursprünglich komme ich aus einer Stadt die Rennerod heißt. War aber noch nie dort. Die Bilder auf Google sehen aber toll aus :D

p.s. Dann wurde von autokorrektur korrektiert. Ist auf English offen :3

Oh, Rennerod liegt in Rheinland-Pfalz, da komm ich auch her aus Mainz :)

Ein Ägypter - Fren der auf Deutsch schreibt :) wundervoll! Ich komme auch aus Rheinland-Pfalz :) vom Rande des Pfälzerwald

Flexible Anti Penetration My feelings have never been more conflicted about an acronym. I'm trying to be a better, more optimistic person. So I'm choosing to be excited about it. In conclusion, and feeling frenly about FAP. Now I'm going to go #SchucktheCosmicOyster to celebrate.

So is it something that blocks the anal hole???

Nein die Kaiser

Wir haben die selben Headsets! :O

Haha wollte das selbe schreiben

sind relativ tauglich, oder? :D

Can you give us your wallpaper fren?

I think it’s this!

u/Theawoop u/Sir_Richie u/lwonym u/SnookiWookieCookie

Thanks fren, have a good day!

Pls fren give wallpaper

Yes, i want too!

here :o


Thank you my fren.


Thank fren

Fren can I have that picture for my laptop?

click here - other fren made it good!

Thanks fren! I’ll make sure to use it.


Gimme Gimme Gimme

Might push it by policy and see if anyone notices

Pls fren can I have background?

Guten tag german fren

Hallo Herr gruselige Waffeln!

Hallo, ich hoffe, Sie haben einen guten Tag

Sehr gut!

Hello fello IT Fren... hope compooters are frenly for you today!

Computers were great today - users had some issues with themselves - but I was frenly as always and problems were managable. hope your day was great aswell, fren!

Microsoft broke my KMS but my frens and I are working through it!

Someone open that window and let our fren in!

Fren pls be careful showing your fren level at work. Stay safe

Level 1 help desk here. You are doing God’s work fren.

Frengod-Apocalypse :p

Es ist Mittwoch meine Kerle

Bergtag, Kumpel!

i like your username fren :)

for frens I am therealforestfren :)

you have some frenly stuff for 1920x1080?

Guter Arbeit, fren


made one with a red version and happy fren

I want that in blue with the happy fren! it's beautiful!

here is your happy blue fren :)

Now I have one for all monitors!

That's the one for red alerts, when the nonfrens finally invade and Honklers leads his clown army into frenworld.

Is there a link to the wallpaper anywhere?

Be careful fren, non-frens have a habit of dedication an unhealthy amount of time to stalking frens IRL to get them fired from their jobs. Best not to post any photos of the workplace.

improvise. adapt. overcome. I am frenly through and through and I'm glad to have the work I have PLUS we have a very well rounded diverse nationality at my workplace. french, russian, polska, czech, kroat, italian, spanish, african, marrocan and many more - good colleagues through and through (even if helpdesk can be baffling sometime)

Hallo mein freund,wie bist du? (Im actually from georgia sorry for my german)

Es ist Mittwoch mein Junge.

Ich sehe das wir haben viele Deutsche Freuns hier. Ich bin polnisch, aber ich spreche Deutsch gut genug um FreunWelt zu verstehen.

hey fren, I kinda want that same wallpaper

Fur Kaiser, Gott, und Frenland

beware fren

nonfrens will try to figure out your place of work and get you fired

Nice wallpaper fren

Can you send that to me plz fren

Es ist Mittwoch meine freunde

Careful at work fren.

is it frendows?

Ah Germany, you guys are in horrible turmoil. Hope everything goes well, fren.

Horrib... horr... horrible turmoil? LOL.

I live in a fairly large german city and I can assure you there is no "horrible turmoil", lol. It's not even turmoil. We got a few thousand retards who think violence is a solution on either side of the political fence, we got a couple thousand unpolitical violent people of various backgrounds and that's it. The crime rate overall is at its lowest point since 1992.

Turmoil my ass, lol. I can go out with no fear of gang violence or shootings or whatnot. I have heard one shooting in my entire lifetime in Germany and that was of cops during a bank robbery in a bank I lived next to. I've not seen a single knife pulled in my lifetime, I've seen maybe ten people being on drugs altogether.

Turmoil... lol.

You're definitely gonna get fired. Theres gonna be that one boomer that's like "pEpE iS a HaTe SyMbOl"

Ah ein Mann der Kultur

Windows Fren

Sysadmin here, I record tutorial videos for mobile devices showing fox news and infowars in the homescreen purposely, pass your wallpaper

Zehr gutt. you have correctly completed your opsec course of misdirection

I see you're a Jabra Pro man as well.

Fren, muss los!



Gibs me dat!!1!

link us to that wallpaper fren

Mein freun

Die haben Pepe in ein rechtes hass-Symbol verwandelt :( nicht wirklich freundlich

Higher Resolution of my very own


arbite macht fren


Hää, sowas gibt es in Deutschland? Ich will IT-Sicherheit studieren, kann ich da dan später villeicht arbeiten?

Thanks fren! I’ll make sure to use it.

Flexible Anti Penetration My feelings have never been more conflicted about an acronym. I'm trying to be a better, more optimistic person. So I'm choosing to be excited about it. In conclusion, and feeling frenly about FAP. Now I'm going to go #SchucktheCosmicOyster to celebrate.

So is it something that blocks the anal hole???